OK ! After seeing the Xbox one drama unfold , there is one take away here ! Dev literally are force feeding their old bad coding to xb1 and expect it to work ! My question ,since Xbox one literally has 0% chance if dev keep pushing ways intended for PC(for simplicity sake ! Wouldn't it be simpler for ms to plainly refuse dev that refuse to code for how xb1 is intended .tiled was expected to make uhd happen on Xbox one gaming but dev are so stuck in 2004 (pre 64 bit era)that even when ms themselves bother making a great console with ton of power dev are like not enough room (ms keep telling them,its because you aren't supposed to do all of that that way ,dev whine back but its simpler .and ms give in .please ms vet rid of the lazy dev . it make xb1 look bad .we all know xb1 is so different that almost 0% of PC old ways of dev can be even done and when they do everybody complain (who wouldn't lol)and if you let them in ,please provide them a template so they stop force feeding PC 2003 style of coding into xb1 and then they come complaining xb1 isn't as good as ps4
What the heck are you talking about?
Xbox One has a 64-bit x86 CPU and a standard GPU.
There is absolutely nothing in the Xbox One that developers are not familiar with and have been working with for the past 10 years.
Microsoft just simply made a system that is severely hampered by poor design decisions(Kinect, DDR3 RAM and eSRAM).