it's a pretty good game, but sadly I could never get into it while playing the beta.. for obvious reasons, I~ would not pay for it.. However, if the game got a lot more publicity and would definitely be coming ou tin the US, I'm sure several people would pay to play..
i used to play rose...but its so long...i left when i was like lvl 37 soldier omg LVL IS SO LONG u can lvl up to what lvl 150? and i kill monsters each gimmie .5 percent and monster that gives u 1 percent will give u trouble so i had to kill like 200 monsters in one lvl and while u attack 1 like 3 gang u up..good thing i got guild wars...
PotCO player
Ex-WoW player, hackers screwed it up and blizzard is too lazy to give a shit
The game was ok for me, but I wouldn't pay for it.
To me it was about the same as the other korean free to play games.