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Would you Pay Blizzard to make your character a certain level?

KjarlKjarl Member Posts: 76

This kinda goes along with the previous thread but didnt wanna highjack my own thread.

If you were given the ability by blizzard to play them X amount of money and them go to thier data base and make your character go from level 1- level X would you do that.

Say your level 25 and stuck and just cant seem to get through the level, if there was a way IN GAME, to click a button and pay X amount of money to skip a level or more, would you do it?

Now I am talking about a legit level raise by a GM in game, something that the company itself provided.


  • KjarlKjarl Member Posts: 76

    I have to say that if I was just that "one" level away from something I had been wanting I would be tempted to go head and spend a few bucks to finish it off if it were offered in game.

  • gargantroogargantroo Member Posts: 1,477

    No, that is pretty pathetic that people would do that. UO actually did have a service sort of like this.

    i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
  • jackman11118jackman11118 Member Posts: 399
    I would be highly uninterested. Plus theres no end game content so whats the point?


  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Maybe that's part of the attraction with GW. You can have a maxed out character right away.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Paladin101Paladin101 Member Posts: 187

    I'd do it in a game with a hard grind if the price wasnt too expensive. I am so busy for MMO's to level sometimes i want to skip the grind and be the lvl 60 to focus on the pvp part of the game. Personally ithink every game should have a system like Guild Wars or Dark age of Camelot. I know it is kinda cheap but honestly a lot of people don't have time to grind npc's all day then go to work then repeat for months..... personally i would prefer to just have less of a grind and more of the pvp.

    good poll by the way.

  • NoubourneNoubourne Member Posts: 349

    I wouldn't.

    I wouldn't bother playing a game with 50, 60, 75, or 220 levels if I wasn't into experiencing and learning along the way up that path. I would play a game like Guild Wars instead as has been suggested before.

    I like how tactics change when you recieve new abilities, and how you learn which are your most effective tactics for any given situation along the way. No gear can replace that imo, and the fact that it takes work to get there is valuable even if it only exists to show who is dedicated to getting there, whether it takes weeks or months, and who is not.

    I don't necessarily care what anyone else does though, because if I want to PvP I play UT2004 and other shooters, so in an MMO I'm less concerned if someone else thinks cheating is the way to go. If I had a vote I would say no game should offer this service. It's one thing to buy gear or gold that someone else has brought into the game through the normal game mechanics. It's another thing to artificially level up a character.

    Habit is not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed down the stairs one step at a time. - Mark Twain

  • gargantroogargantroo Member Posts: 1,477

    WoWs grind is actually sort of fun. It's not nearly as bad as FFXI's grind, or Lineage II's grind. I can see why people would pay to skip those grinds, but not WoW's.

    i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154

    The whole fun of the game is that after you worked your butt off and you got to level 60 either by yourself or from help with friends you made within the game, you will be able to look back on the work that you put forth and look on all of the rewards you earned from it...

    Even if such a service was provided, I wouldn't be able to use it. It takes all the fun out of the game if you can just pay more money to be on par that worked to get where they are now.


  • KjarlKjarl Member Posts: 76

    Thanks for all the feedback. Have to say Im supprised at how its going so far but thats the whole point to making a Poll ::::31::

  • Paladin101Paladin101 Member Posts: 187

    Kjarl do you work for Blizzard? ::::04::

    I would definetly pay money if being level 60 had a lot of fun and meaningful pvp. DaoC endgame is awsome because there are so many different raids and rvr combat to do as well as different pve fighting in Darkness Falls and dragon raids ect. If WoW had real meaning to the pvp where you can effect the entire server by your actions in pvp i would skip all the grind and go right for the good stuff.

    The grind in WoW is fun, i just was getting sick of the lack of story, RP, and the lack of differences of alliance and horde in pvp.....

  • kernalkernal Member Posts: 106
    no i have blizz would never do such a thing, because every one would be lvl 60, no one will want to live thus making every oen quit after a while. the game would go no wer, if you are stuck and you want this one lvl for a long time, newsflash TO BAD GO GRIND either in a group or by your self, i mean mcn is it realy that tough to go and waste couple of hours on lvln, are we that lazy in games as we are in real life i mean sheeeesh :P but so yes in my opinion no i hope they dont do that image
  • KjarlKjarl Member Posts: 76

    Sorry it took so long to get back to ya. No I do not work for Blizzard, but wish I did.

  • Ramonski7Ramonski7 Member UncommonPosts: 2,662

    I'd have to strongly disagree with "paid-2-level" characters. It just wouldn't work. Look at DAoC and UO. Both games have this feature and if you explore the starting areas for DAoC they are void of any lower lvl players. It only serves to kill a game faster. Basicly it's the company admitting that their game is a pain at lower levels or the new subscribers are so low that they offer ways for existing players to continue playing without being bothered by the low level stuff.

    As far as UO, it's not as bad considering that it's not level based, but you still run into the problem of not being able to keep up or less populated lower level areas.

    And although I believe leveling is not as important in this game, a lot has to be said about the experiences you bring along with your journey to 60. It goes to serve as a measure of your knowledge, effectiveness and worth. Maybe it best compared to age, Yes everyone will eventually age/level, but what really counts is what you have accomplished during your years/levels. Would you skip a year of your life to just experience what the next year brings? If you say yes think again. Because everyone else would still be effected by that year you just skipped. How would you feel if your friends/family began asking you about stuff you can't recall experiencing? Now try skipping multiply levels/years and you see where problems can occur.

    No I think the way it is is fine. Currently in WoW you can find players your level at any stage in the game. And that's because players enjoy the game at every stage of leveling (although there are those who argue this point once 60 is achieved). When I play I enjoy talking about how fresh and exciting things were at levels 1-10 when learning the history behind my new class, how excited I was when seeing the pirate ship in the deadmines, how frustrated I was when faced with the horde in lakeshire for the first time, experiencing the undead of Darkshire and the infamous embalmer of Raven Hill, trekking through the jungles of STV to find my first neutral hub called Booty Bay, going to Refugee Point and realizing how unexpected the world of Azeroth could be when I learned Horde and Alliance shared the same questing areas of Stromgarde or how vicious the enemy could be when pushing the limits of acceptable "behavior" within the walls of I like how the game has molded me into the seasoned, hardcore vet I am today just fine thank you.

    "Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    I go back and forth on the idea. Going through the content at the lower levels is definately enjoyable the first few times, but it does wear thin eventually. As I greatly enjoy the game at lvl 60, I don't think I'd mind getting direct access to another lvl 60 character. Granted, I'd just trade accounts with fellow guild mates first, lol.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

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