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In an effort to not let the forum get overrun with code threads, we're setting this one up for all your recruit a friend needs. Any other code threads posted will be locked going forward to keep things in one place.
1. Please post in here if you're looking for or offering a code. Don't forget to list the region you're in/looking for.
2. Please do not spam the thread. While it's possible for subscribers to generate multiple codes, that doesn't mean post in here every day with a new code. If you do want to list multiple codes, you can do so in a single post now and then. We just want to give everyone a chance.
To give feedback on moderation, contact
I am offering codes for everyone, everyday, until I edit this post and state otherwise!
How to play 14 days Free:
1) Send me a PM with your e-mail address, so that I can send you a code
2) Download and install the Free Trial software
3) Create a FINAL FANTASY XIV Free Trial account upon launching the software
PM me with any and all questions so that we can get you started as soon as possible!
Heya, here is code if anyone wants one. (will make a list as i can only generate 1 per day) and if you have used a code on my list please say so. or PM me with your email.
New code (14.8)
1. 38BW4C7X
You can find the free trial download here. its the same client for EU as well.
I used your first code ^-^
Also here is a code for someone else. (North America)
Another code:
Feel free to ask for more via PM or here, you can also redeem these for the PS3 or PS4 versions by the way.
Here's my code for the day:
Code: R277RCYM
Server: Balmung (NA)
Name: Tryssa Silverthorn
First person to use a 90-day game time card gets some in-game goodies (Balmung server only). Note that when you use a time card, you receive the in-game veteran rewards immediately.
Please send me a message if you use the code, so I can remove it. Here is the original email with instructions:
Beware the ghost in the machine
Another code, feel free to use:
VJ3JNHV9 (Europe)
Here is another code, North America.
Here's a code if anyone is interested (for NA): NWW7VQFK
Code: 83ZHTXQM
Code2: A6HR3CXR
Name: Zuti Nevermore
Server: Goblen
well and let me know if u used the code thank you
would like to get more friends on the game and would love the rewards as well
this code is new.
we get more rewards the more days u have so if you get the full 90 we both get All the Rewards
see you soon in FFXIV
First person to use a 90-day game time card gets some in-game goodies.
Please use it, you'll get in-game goodies!!
Please PM me to let me know you used the codE! Thank you!
Code: 83ZHTXQM
Code2: A6HR3CXR
Name: Zuti Nevermore
Server: Goblen
well and let me know if u used the code thank you
would like to get more friends on the game and would love the rewards as well
this code is new.
we get more rewards the more days u have so if you get the full 90 we both get All the Rewards
see you soon in FFXIV
First person to use a 90-day game time card gets some in-game goodies.
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3
Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
here is a code KMNQYZPE
New code as of Aug 15th DX64Q2CR
where is the new codes unused since : 14-08-2014
See you in game and do not forget 90 days subscription to full rewards
Send me a PM and with your email address and I will send you a Request a friend code
ps: I am on excalibur btw
At least with a sub game they know that people won't tolerate bullshit and leave. With anet we have no recourse but to buy our own lube so our assholes don't get too stretched out from getting bent over a table at Anets will. - Hrimnir
Here's a fresh code if anyone needs it:
If anyone is looking for a friend invite, send me a PM with e-mail address.
I play on Sargantanas (US) server, got an active and friendly FC with housing you are most welcome to join, and I have every tradeskill to 50 so I can always assist in crafting gear.
new code for anyone who wants to play:
New code as of Aug 16th R9AQMXXN
New code as of Aug 17th JHSNKAM4