Find a way to introduce incentive for teamwork in the non-Trinity system you came up with. Punish idiots who only look out for themselves and let the group fail.
Stop BSing us with lame-ass "content updates". Especially ones that incorporate buying stuff from the gem store.
Introduce some form of working, non buggy ass LFG tool. One that lets us enter dungeons with an existing party makeup and without shitting itself causing half of our party to miss out on the run.
Fix world events so they are not buggy, laggy zergfests for which most people receive no contribution despite considerable effort (not sure if this still happens but it was rage inducing standing there knowing there was nothing you could do because of issues outside your control)
We've tried to return to GW2 a couple of times in the past but ended up finding nothing we hated about the game had improved and found ourselves standing around LA bored. At that point GW2 was just a glorified graphical chat room for us and I'd rather be doing that face to face at the pub with a beer in hand.
I don't really see Fractals as a problem, but you're certainly right about the rest.
I don't really see Fractals as a problem, but you're certainly right about the rest.