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Dev Blog|Lore Writer Woes

In this Dev Blog, Cassie takes us through her creative process while writing lore for ToA:

Hello, I'm Cassie, or Ondria on the forums and I write lore for ToA alongside Varl.

I'm not really sure what to say as I am bad with fluff and feel that my opening statement explains my situation but I shall try. My 'creative process' is usually staring blankly at a blank page and waiting for inspiration to strike. It usually doesn't. Most of the time my ideas for stories strike me at the most inopportune times such as:

Doing menial and mind numbing jobs at work
Right as I am about to fall asleep and don't have the time to turn on my computer and write because I have to be up for work in a few hours
and we can't forget, Stuck in traffic that doesn't seem to want to move.

When I do have stories in the works I mention things and suddenly I am told by Brax (usually) "Oh, we changed the way that feature works."
Or the big one. "We decided to go with Unity... and we changed the layout of the world." so that one thing I was working on... I now have to redo because it makes no sense.

My, that sounds like a lot of complaining but I don't mind too much. I like to measure my affection in complaints and sarcasm or good natured bullying so I suppose you could say I love my job on the project. I get to help assist in some choices elsewhere such as map placements because I am stubborn and I need things in places for stories. I guess you could say I'm the resident brat and I like to think they all don't mind too much.

Over the past month Varl and I have turned out over 40 pages of lore. Quite a ridiculous number but you know how the whipmaster gets. Some have been released to you already and others will be following in the weeks to come. We are even holding back some for a super secret event *coughkickstartercough* so I hope you all look forward to those too.

That's all I got. Pig out.

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