We require FULL API, a clean corp history, represents an advantage.
- Covert Frigate
- Dominix/T3/Logi/HAC
- Able to use TS
- EU Timezone
- Willing to train for alliance doctrine.
- Provide full api key
- Willing to participate to pvp ops.
- Active EU TZ
- C4 wormhole with C4/C2 static(good for pvp/pve)
- Good source of isk
- PvP
- Industry
- Alliance - All corporations in alliance lives in the same system.
- Teamspeak server
- Alliance mapper
- Being payed when killing a shiny ship, buy that items below Jita on Black Market.
Join: "Xibalba Cave" for more details.
Zamolxe V
Keep on rockin'!
Yes, all corps joined one corp in alliance, Unsettled