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Thought to play Tera again again after a long absence. Pull it up on computer, input password, downloading new patches. Going fine till it gets to a point then program asking for password again. Put in password...ask for password again....over and over. Request new password. New password works on website. Put in new password....ask for password again and again... frustration rises to new heights. Go to customer support on website, go through whole process to set up a new ticket....till I punch button that says to create the ticket...nothing. Try again, nothing.
Is En Masse trying to drive off returning players? Has this game died, all infrastructure removed, and nobody noticed? They send me email about the next major addition and then don't allow me to patch up and get in the game?
Since their support doesn't work, maybe they are MMORPG readers.....
OP - this is a classic case of a platform problem.
Every Dev studio has a platform that ties how account database communicates to different components such as - game, forums, website account and billing and support.
The fact that you can log into one component but not others (game and support) means the platform is failing to pass the same security token to all systems.
The most common cause of this is a flag setting on your account preventing access to game and support (like a partial ban)
Unfortunately only EnMasse can fix this issue as it is entirely on their end.
Email support and wait.
A little late to the party, i know, but this is a local problem - I don't remember which file to delete but it was a settings file in the Tera folder. Something about a corrupted cache iirc.
Playing: WF
Played: WoW, GW2, L2, WAR, AoC, DnL (2005), GW, LotRO, EQ2, TOR, CoH (RIP), STO, TSW, TERA, EVE, ESO, BDO
Tried: EQ, UO, AO, EnB, TCoS, Fury, Ryzom, EU, DDO, TR, RF, CO, Aion, VG, DN, Vindictus, AA