Does anyone know of a fix for the server lag and rubber banding ? IV tried wtfast to stop the packet loss that's coming from the cryptic server its self But no luck game is basically unplayable now days
. Its so bad when a dev posted about the new pilot ships theirs like 20 pages of fix the lag and rubber banding or we don't care. I suspect if STo desent fix this and soon they will have to close down the servers for good. It reminds me of earth and beyond years back when lagy patch hit and was never fixed then they closed down. Its not my isp or pc etc.
That was only in certain sectors and and really had nothing to do with the game shutting down. That was completely a business decision by EA.
Its pretty bad in Fallen Earth at times too but that game is still kicking.
FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!
its nowhere near vanguard online,
the only game , that hasnt annoyed me a Little with this is GW2
all the other ones have been, or are suffering from this..from time to time