Pretty straightforward in what I want.
Rigid Class roles
Smooth combat and gameplay (im looking at you LotRO so clunky feeling)
Lots and lots of Dungeons
Auto Attack and Tab Targetting (wont budge on these)
One immersive world (looking at you Fleet Command SWtoR)
I liked: Vanguard, DAoC (feels so clunky now), WoW TBC and WotLK(hate it all you want everything in it feels smooth)
Disliked: Rift, DDO, LotRO, SWtoR
PLEASE someone out there have a fix for an mmo junkie lol
FFXIV pretty much fills all those. There is one set role per class, no exceptions. You can't sign up for anything else in dungeons. But you are able to max each class on a single character.
The combat animations are pretty smooth and flow into each other well. It's especially fun at level 60 now, with Heavensward.
The base game had something like a hundred group instances. Most of which were dungeons. They released three dungeon experiences every three months since launch. The random group has such variety that you have many different options.
Has auto attack and targetting.
Heavensward is more immersive than A Realm Reborn. But the game has a lot of immersive qualities, including graphics, realistic looking armor while still in a High Fantasy, able to sit in chairs and beds, sleep in beds, your characters have idle animations (or you can make them as such, even choosing when they change) such as putting hands to the back of your head, on your waist, folding across your chest -- there are many options for each race and gender in game. As well as unique animations for each class.
The narrative story is pretty good as well, and the experience has been improved by them increasing main storyline experience. The crafting is second to none, with each profession being it's own class, having its own gear, rotations, meta, etc.
You can try it for free with their trial. I'd recommend getting a buddy key from someone, as you'll get rewards for such (sent information on this in your message box).
If you found anything like Vanguard or DAoC might inform me too you might receive a prize as I am on a failing quest to find something similar.
Does that have an autoattack? I was told it didn't
lol not sure if sarcasm or not.
How about taking a break from MMOs, or trying to play some different MMO once in a while?
It'll likely release/start open beta in a couple of months.