Voted other cause I loved FFXI combat which doesn't fall in any of the choices. Main reason to add a comment was cause I see many say age of Conan and I bought it when it was sub game and combat turned me off, same as the secret world both those games combat feel like the worst I ever played. Talking about worst then even low budget crappy Korean f2p grinders.
They are all my favorite because it's not the combat system *in itself* its how it fits the whole game.
If you were to transplant a great combat system from one game to another it might completely suck in the new game - because the rest of the game that made combat great is not there anymore.
Bottom line - don't judge features in isolation - always consider the rest of the game that made a single feature stand out.
I think what DMKano said is, he would like you to add Trion as one of the combat options in the poll.
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
Cant do action combat for more than 30mins, gets boring fast.