It doesnt have its own forum, it doesnt get a lot of talk , it does get a few articles now and then. But the way this game updates and improves (other than optimization) it should be at the top of the must play list.
Hey it isnt perfect, I left it for awhile myself. But in terms of the 'must have' list for MMOs this game pretty much has them all. Technically not an MMO I guess but it really is. Its an MMO with decay. Not sure what the textbook definition of a 'survival' game is but by my real world definition Ark isnt really 'survival'. Its stay warm/cool and fed and hydrated. Which in the grand scheme is no challenge at all.
But look what it has....
Anywhere you want housing. Yes you have to learn to build on your own and the interface is mediocre at best but it has it and even without mods(more on that) you can build pretty impressive structures and bases. Depending on server ruleset it can be destroyed by other players, or decay over time.
PvP The game itself is basically PvP centric. Not the best system, in fact maybe the worst system ever, but it will be addressed eventually. Until then unofficial servers (more on that too) have their own rule sets in regards to PvP and when and how it can be done. It has also delved into the e-game phenomenon and now has battle ground type server which is basically like all the other last man standing type sims/mods other games have these days.
Dinosaurs...I mean come on. And if you take the time to look at them theyre pretty frigging detailed. They are adding baby dinos now, and from the looks it doesnt look like just a smaller version of something they already made they redid all the avatars. So not lazy developing.
Breeding said dinos. If it works like they claim this is what a lot of people have been looking for in MMOs, a way to create the 'best' version of a mount or pet you want. Selective breeding is something theyre talking about and being implemented today. It will obviously have kinks and bugs but eventually it will be a game changer IMO, especially since they will open source it and guys can tweak it even better than they will.
Crafting. As indepth as any around now and probably top 5 all time with mods (again more on that) top 3 maybe. There are straight up crafting items, then ones you need a special piece of equipment for, then ones you need items, that equipment and more materials. Not overly complicated but pretty indepth. So its not intricate for the sake of being intricate but it makes sense and does what a crafting system 'should' do.
RP if youre into that thing. What gets more RP than cavemen? They have special servers that are primitive or medieval or whatever. So there is a level cap of what crafting can be done.
Mods, They open source their code so the game has a lot of mod possibilities. They also released a kit that helps guys create their own mods. We all know every game that allowed modding was better. As long as you didnt overdue it and ez mode it and get bored. But that can be done in this game with console commands so modding isnt the major culprit. But mods in this game make it light years better than what it is.
Private servers, another genius move. Official servers are garbage, hacks, cheats, glitches, griefers and that isnt just on PvP oriented servers. But with private servers you can raise level cap (official is 70), add mods, make them PvP and PvE both (with scheduling), kick losers, have special events whatever.
The game is a prefect combination. Its one of those games that if released (not even in beta yet technically) people would say it was a good blueprint or start. But with modding and private servers and the ability to customize everything it becomes a top notch game. There is still a long ways to go and more changes being made. Which in turn will open up more modding opportunities as well.
The glaring issue is 'lack of content'. Which beyond PvP, and maybe some RP, or base building is non existent. Other than mass gathering of materials. But basically every so called 'sand box' game has that issue as well. But on a decently run server and with the right mix of people PvP is pretty awesome. The addition of dino breeding has also made a huge leap in the 'content' department. because it isnt RnG based (well not once you get the first set of dinos.
The other glaring issue is optimization. Which is everywhere doesnt matter if you play solo or on an official server the performance is hit or miss. Mostly miss. There are the usual tricks and commands you can use to make it better. But right now even with a top end machine you cant get hi performance AND the awesome graphics the game has to work together. Best you will see with a very high end machine is probably 35-40 FPS with everything maxed out. The average computer most people have will be lucky to see 40 or more on low (which looks like crap) settings. They continue to claim theyre improving it little by little, but they talk in percentages like 10% here 20% there. If youre getting 20 as a base then 10% more is 22 and 20% more is 24, not great improvements in the grand scheme. But it is quuite a bit better than what it was still needs a lot of improvement though.
This game basically came out of no where. One minute no one knew it existed. The next its on Steam and a million copies were sold (2 million now). The additions and improvements to in game and game play aspects are off the charts. I started in June when it first went on Steam and since then the stuff in the game has doubled and the improvements to those things continue. They fix bug (that they can fix) instantly, they close loopholes and do their best to address player concerns (without knee jerk reactions).
It has its good and its bad. But the way this site hypes and promotes complete garbage makes a game like this and its lack of coverage completely dumbfounding.
At the very least it should get its own forum subsection, if not a complete portal like every other not yet released hypefest. because unlike those this thing is actually playable and it hasnt cost anyone a few hundred or thousand bucks.