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Low budget PC

AlumicardAlumicard Member UncommonPosts: 388
So a friend was asking me for a low budget PC which could run The Division, he really looooves that game, at descend frames.
The budget is €500 or $500 without all those newegg vouchers. So I thought AMD all the way and got to a very basic setup with much to fix.
AMD FX 8320, a 380 and 16gb ram. No ssd or hdd needed because those I can get for kind of free. Screen will be a 1080p one which is the most I could get without lowering the budget *wink*.

So I am looking for a good motherboard and PSU that could run the cpu (am3+) and gpu without going over budget.  The CPU is 150 and GPU 200 and with the RAM I am looking for a good-ish psu and mainboard for about a 100. Personally I couldn't find something that would fit those specs so I hope you hardware wizards might have some suggestions.

Ignore updates for the moment because that PC will be as is for 2-3 years. Maybe a GPU update overtime but if the mainboard has 1 pce slot it will do. And even the RAM is slow we haven't seen anything like "needs ddr5" yet so all good on that part.



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