I know that the thread title is a bit silly, because nobody can really decide if someone else would enjoy one or another fantasy IP.
While i'm generally a huge fantasy fan and have digested a megaton of books, audiobooks, games, movies, tv shows... the warcraft lore never really interested me.
Over the years, i kept hearing that it is trivial at times, uninspired, inconsecutive, far fetched, bad writing and even contradicting itself here and there. That not even Blizzard gets it right anymore, had to invent alternative timelines over their own mess and while Metzen acts up like the king of lore, he also confuses stuff. Some authors just wrote what they wanted and people argue over what is really canon and what is not.
According to all that, i always thought that it would be a waste of time dealing with what i suspected would be low quality fantasy.
Now i have to admit that the Warcraft movie sparked a new interest in the overall story and lore in me, but again i don't want to read 3-4 books to figure out that it is not worth to stick to it any further for the reasons i mentioned above. Like nobody would want to read all the Star Wars books and in the 7th book after 100 hours of reading, suddenly Kenobi is named as Luke's father or something like that.
I also don't expect alot of comments here, because..i think the percentage of players that have actually read all the books is probably rather low.
So i'm thankful for any input here, maybe somebody likes to leave his thoughts.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Excluding manga and short stories (though the ones about each faction's racial leaders are top notch and give a LOT of insight into each leader), this is the suggested order:
2. The Last Guardian
3. Tides of Darkness
4. Beyond the Dark Portal
5. Day of the Dragon
6. Of Blood and Honor
7. Lord of the Clans
8. Arthas
9. The Well of Eternity
10. The Demon Soul
11. The Sundering
12. Cycle of Hatred
13. Night of the Dragon
14. Stormrage
15. The Shattering
16. Wolfheart
17. Thrall: TotA
18. Tides of War
19. Dawn of the Aspects
20. Vol'Jin: Shadows of the Horde
21: War Crimes
Here's the link to the short stories about each faction's racial leaders:
Honestly I kinda find the books better than the ingame stuff. They're more serious and more fantasy. I rolled a mage as a boost and was so disappointed because it was just nothing as fascinating as the mages in the books.
Chronicle is a written lightweight series of the complete timeline. I was kinda disappointed with how they changed something about the dragons, but otherwise it's an option if you don't want to read everything.
The books are definitely worth it and they're always getting new books out! (Chronicle was just released the other month and Illidan)
so yes, a low quality Disney 200 page back of a cereal box fantasy novel based off a video game.
Some of the others, while not Tolstoy, are OK and provide a fan of the RTS and MMO some familiar but expanded lore behind something they enjoy.
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I may read the WoW novels though, at least I know that I won't get s**t on like the player base did to me - twice - in WoW. The world does have a lot of depth, that is for sure!
As a side note, I've written a novel that I am sloooooowly editing with the goal of publishing... based on sci-fi & superheroes... probably no surprise to those that know I was a City of Heroes fanatic.
The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!
"Its better to look ugly and win than pretty and lose"
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I'd personally recommend any of the ones written by Richard A. Knaak. His books really stand out in the series.
I am the kind of person that loved the high fantasy dragonlance saga books, so these were kinda right up my alley.
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This evening i got the latest book of Chr. Golden "Durotan". I did not exactly plan to start with this one, but i got a free copy and just went from there.
"Durotan" is the official story about what happened before the movie, so it rather goes along with the movie lore and i read in the Amazon reviews that it really conflicts the old story -what is not exactly what i prefer, but then again...free copy and such.
So out of interest, I read up on the internet on some characters that appear in Durotan, esp. Drek'Thar.
And here it comes...
Really? I know that Blizzard loves NOTHING more than to constantly change things, but this is ridiculous. How could someone connect to a character or a story or care for it if it changes all the time? I never had that in other fantasy lecture.
Does it keep on coming like this? If so, this is just what i mentioned in the OP.
I need more input here folks
Here is a link with a decent list of the books in a somewhat chronological order:
Here is another list which has more of the books listed, I didn't compile the list pulled it from the official forums:
War of the Ancients : The Well of Eternity (Novel, 10,000 Years)
War of the Ancients : The Demon Soul (Novel, 10,000 Years)
War of the Ancients : The Sundering (Novel, 10,000 Years)
War of the Shifting Sands (SS)
Rise of the Horde (Novel, Pre-First War)
Unbroken (SS, Pre-First War)
The Last Guardian (Novel, First War/WC1)
Beyond the Dark Portal (Novel, Second War/WC2)
Lord of the Clans (Novel, Post-Second War)
Day of the Dragon (Novel, Post-Second War)
Of Blood and Honor (SS, Post-Second War)
Road to Damnation (SS, Post-Second War)
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (Novel, WC3/Third War)
Death Knight (Manga, Third War)
Vol'jin: The Judgment (SS, Third War)
Sunwell Trilogy (Manga, Post-Third War)
Cycle of Hatred (Pre-Vanilla)
Ashbringer (Comic, Third War & Vanilla)
Night of the Dragon (The Burning Crusade)
Garrosh: Heart of War (SS, Post-TBC, Pre-WotLK)
World of Warcraft: The Comic (The Burning Crusade & Pre-WotLK)
Lor'themar: In the Shadow of the Sun (SS, Pre-WotLK)
Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night (SS. Immediately post-WotLK)
Stormrage (Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)
Shaman (Manga, Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)
The Shattering (Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)
Curse of the Worgen (Comic, Cataclysm)
Genn Greymane: Lord of his Pack (SS, Cataclysm)
The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron (SS, Cataclysm)
Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith (SS, Cataclysm)
Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us (SS, Cataclysm)
Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince (SS, Cataclysm)
Wolfheart (Novel, Cataclysm)
Velen: Prophet's Lesson (SS, Cataclysm)
Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers (SS, Cataclysm)
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects (Novel, Cataclysm)
Quest for Pandaria (Comic, Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)
Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War (Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)
The Trial of the Red Blossoms (SS, Mists of Pandaria)
Bleeding Sun (SS, Mists of Pandaria)
Dawn of the Aspects (E-Book, Mists of Pandaria/Pre-History)
Vol'jin: Shadow of the Horde (Novel, Mists of Pandaria)
The Blank Scroll (SS, Mists of Pandaria)
In the meantime, i managed to get many of these books already. Some stuff is quite hard to come by and i had to search the intarwebs for a download.
I quit the 2016 movie-based pre story "Durotan" and started with "Rise of the horde" two days ago. Although both come from the same author, in my opinion Rise has a much better writing style. Deeper, better wording etc.
I didn't like the many short sentences per paragraph in Durotan and found the overall expression somewhat shallow ...as if it was written to be easier to follow for the mainstream folks that possibly buy the book after watching the movie.
I'm not very far yet, but i already remembered alot of characters and things that i saw in the game and that now start to come together.
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
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At least as a teenager, anyway.
WoW has done some really stupid things with the lore. I'm sure some people like what they did and some things needed to be tweaked to make everything fit, but some stuff was just dumb (super advanced space aliens flying around in crystal spaceships come to mind).
That being said, if you're at all interested in the lore of Warcraft (not just WoW) you should probably give the books a try. I'd suggest ones that aren't explicitly covered in WoW lore and then if you like those work your way into the other books. Not to say that the WoW centric books aren't good, but it may be easier to stay objective if you start outside of the big named books (Arthas, Thrall, etc).
I started with the Well of Eternity trilogy and really liked them. I'd probably suggest those to anyone looking to start getting into Warcraft lore. Alternatively, if there is a WoW character you know a little about and always wanted to know more then maybe one of the specific books would work as well.