Day one of new LoTRO owners have already balanced PvP. Sure, freeps are dying but that's only due to them thinking morale-stack, half-assed mits, no audacity, and mastery/crit stack are viable in the PvP zone, once they figure out it's not, we'll see some decent PvP or atleast a huge improvement. Good to know Warner Bros just didn't care enough to make a single change.
I'm still not playing this game though. Gonna wait awhile before I decide to play and still won't spend a dime for awhile because of how much I hate Warner Bros for ruining the game and don't trust whoever is in charge now since they worked for WB. Just because they made one decent change in many years, shouldn't cause anyone to support the game just yet.
Anyways I hope more good changes are made in the future for this game as it's one of my favorites and today was the first time I didn't overwhelmingly despise it after seeing the changes made to PvP. I'm sure the PvE is still stupid simple and needs a lot of improvement.
I didn't even know LOTRO had PvP.......
"Day one of new LoTRO owners have already balanced PvP." It has nothing to do with that change, and the update itself is nothing new either, just the usual raise for creeps to counter the power rise of the freep side after updates.
"Good to know Warner Bros just didn't care enough to make a single change. " They did not, sure, but that wasn't their task either, they just counting the beans Turbine however did, and added quite some changes over the years after every Update. (But true, PvMP never was the main focus. I'm sure that won't change in the future either. That makes the post even funnier, the changes were just "business as usual" and the OP makes it sound like "new name for the studio, now they will make it a pvp game" )
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
It was not that bad, offered a nice strategic gameplay too, but after the novelty wore off and just the killing left, most peeps left, and pretty much thats it. Besides the occasional tweaks, the handful of pvp peeps never got any real attention, LotRO is a PvE game, and that's good.
(though recently PvMP got Osgiliath)
Yes it is, its still players versus players.
I know a couple dudes who are PvMP only, some on both sides, some are creep or freep only. Even with the organisation and large-scale strategic aspect is gone, PvMP still has some dynamics (or so they used to say), and they're having fun. And lag. But maybe the lag is their fun, who knows, pvp people are weird.
What they could have done was make certain lands that are already getting orc raids (in the books) more of a battleground.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
The only thing they were allowed to do is the monster play side of things. They were allowed to do this by originally making the monsters weaker with the feeling that because you started max level, there'd be more monsters than good guys.