I don't like endgame, I like the constant flow of new skills, abilities and spells; reaching a new level and something new opens up, showing something new.
On the other hand I love and need group content (dungeons/instances) where it's just more than pressing tab and spam 1,2,3.
I've tried so many MMOs in the past decades, and if I need to say what I like the most is FFXIV (pre-endgame) and AION.
Personally like tab-fighting, but I also like to think, analise the bosses (FFXIV dungeons are great for this), but also to plan our my character with skills and talents (WoW/Rift). Don't like extremely acrobatic games like WildStar or BDO, as I tend to play healer, where you are basically a turret, dispatching plasters for everyone. A good storyline is well received (SWTOR), but as combat is 90% of a game, is what matters; it has to be fun and dynamic.
Any new (last 3 years or so), kinda popular MMOs that I might've missed, or an old one worth revisiting?