Is it 99.9% of the time your responsibility to have a good time in video games? which means becoming an informed consumer, and cutting losses as soon as boredom or frustration comes into play?
is it really a good thing to say 'hey Bob I had no fun this weekend and I choose it that way'
I dont know, at some level yes, some level no
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EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
It seems sometimes people just bitch and moan over the most ridiculous things. I suppose one can say "it's not ridiculous to them" and that would be true. But keeping a realistic perspective is important.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
So for example: ' had lots of options this weekend, did you enjoy your weekened?'
'no I didnt'
'well why didnt you?'
'well because what I did was not fun'
'well why did you do it? you should have done something else'
I mean I know what your getting at in that sometimes you dont have control over that but for the most part your free time is your choice i would think.
My rule (which I also try to teach some of my family members) is 'if not fun, then stop, if possible'
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When you come into the office and say you had an unfun weekend, you dont see it as remotely your fault?
interesting, I tend to think just the opposite
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'bob did you enjoy your weekend?'
'why not? what did you do?'
'I played a viedo game'
'all weekend?'
'was it fun'?
'then why did you play it all weekend'?
'because its the developers responsibility to provide me with fun'
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YOU are responsible for your choices in your free time, you are responsible for your fun.
you disagree with that?
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Quit trying to dictate to everyone the conversation they're having with you on the forum. Either take his post for its obvious meaning, or don't reply to it. This shit you're doing trying to bait people into an argument you've set up for yourself to win, regardless of the original intent of the post you quote, is dumb. It's a fucking troll move, dude.
can we get back on topic or is it too soon?
my question is, are you responsible for the choices you make in your video game purchases and are you responsible for your enjoyment of your free time?
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Shaigh's right, btw.
and yes I know he is right but it has nothing to do with the subject
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Was that not clear?
but his point is not on topic.
I find it very telling how you are not able to answer my question. Why? I dont know fear maybe not sure
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However it is the responsibility of the company providing the game to make sure the game is playable and enjoyable because that is their job. It's not my job to enjoy it.
But it's also the company's responsibility to make a decent product, and offer us decent service after we've made our purchase. So no, it's not 99% our responsibility. Responsibility should be decided case by case. Trying to make a general rule about whose responsibility something is is just stupid.
that all said, I dont agree with your overall view. I personally consider it my personal responisbly to enjoy life on my free time. I understand others have different value systems and that is fine but for me on my free time its my job to find what to enjoy and if it do not enjoy it I must stop immediately and find something else.
that is my world view
but I do appreciate your honest and clear answer, thank you
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'decent' is EXTREMELY subjective. I find 7DTD extremely decent but a lot of people here think its trash.
I am a fan of Wurm Online, I think its fantastic, I have no doubt in my mind that everyone does not agree that the game is 'decent'
really it boils down to this, you as a consumer should look at the game, do some level of research, then buy if appeals, if game does not work out for you then try again but that poor choice was yours.
If you can not find a game that is enjoyable, then you need to seek professional help from a therapist.
that is my personal view
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It's a trap.
There is no discussion.
Sorry not sorry.
But given you are here, care to answer the OP question?
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I am not following your point
actually I take that back, he is not right. Its the developers responisblity to follow the corporate charter which usually is to make money, doesnt have to be good
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