Outside of Wildstar that they ignore for some reason....
NCsoft closed city of heroes when sub was going down, but still making money
They shut down Tabula Rasa very fast without giving it a chance
They shut down auto assault very fast without giving it a chance (though more than TR)
Any time one of their games goes into decline or barely makes enough money (like city of heroes didn't make them enough money despite it being in the red) they shut the game down
With their track record, unless GW2 sales pickup, the vast decrease in revenue makes me believe NCsoft is in the thinking stages of "if next expansion does bad, we'll have to close GW2 or put it on lifesupport like Wildstar". And then they'll focus mostly on mobile games since that makes them a ton more money for much cheaper cost
What do you guys think?
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
Revenue across all their games is down except Aion and mobile games. For GW2 one can argue its because of the expansion isn't new anymore, but NCsoft is pretty quick to kill any game that starts doing poorly. So hopefully GW2 has an expansion up their sleeve to boost revenue.
It is however 3k more than it was last year. So it has that going for it. But the revenue has dropped quite a lot.
The big surprise in that report is how good Aion is doing, despite it being pretty old and I don't think I've heard any expansions for it have come out.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Plus, yes, there is another xpac on the way.
I guess in those cases operating costs were more than revenue for the game? Dunno.. but I never liked the way NCSoft treated some of the development studios.
NCSoft has closed some games. Others (WS) are inexplicably still open.
ArenaNet seems to be able to do their own thing - GW1 is still around and kicking, after all.
I think the OP's opinion has some merit, certainly, but by and large does not reflect my own opinion about the situation. And no one apart from board members at NCSoft and ANet would be able to have anything other than just an opinion on the matter.
They just didn't want anything to do with it anymore and I honestly can't blame them after all the shit that Richard Garriott pulled at that time.
Even though I loved the game and was sad seeing it being shutdown, I fully understand why NCSoft did it.
That is why I will never ever touch any game anymore by that high horse imbecile Richard Garriott. /facepalm
Aion is up because it finally went Free to play(re: full on Cash Shop) in Korea.
GW2 is up year on year because this quarter still had some sales from the expansion.
There is a third expansion being planned for GW2. At this point they should try for annual expansions. It seems the only time they are over $15 million a quarter is around an expansion.
Also, they are going to have to do something drastically different for the third expansion. Despite being a much better expansion Path of Fire sales are well below Heart of Thorns.
So empty and with the only purpose to rile up people that I consider it a foul troll thread.
It's not closing down anytime soon.
It never imported my trophies and whatnot from GW1 like they said it would.
To much mario platforming in places for me.
Why bothering to level up when you won't ever exceed the mobs levels of the zone because it downgrades you to match. (Makes travelling through zones, and collecting resources annoying.)
There were other things that bugged me, but I can't remember what they were now.
I wouldn't want to see it get the bugzapper, but I'm not playing it either.
Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...
Regarding continuity of GW2, IMHO this is just another speculative thread.
If Guild Wars 2 shuts down, it would be ANet's doing, not NCSoft's.
Stop following the financials of corporations (unless you have stock options with them). Your time would be better spent worrying about your own retirement funding than that of some company that makes 500 times more than you on an very bad day.
You want to see really scary numbers? Just look at your own financial situation. They say we all should have accumulated 2 million dollars by the time we retire. That we should be putting aside the maximum each year in our 401Ks (that's 18.5K per year for you youngin's and 24K for those past 50 years). Most people haven't. A bean counter would say you were financially in terrible shape. See how easy it is to look at numbers and get a dismal opinion?