So recently I bought my girlfriend these new cat ear headphones that she's been wanting for months now and I went to set everything up for her and the issue we are currently running is.. That I can't get the mic to work for her. It only came with one audio port to plug into the computer which I think is the issue I'm running in because the computer can't detect a mic at all.|mercent|googlebaseads|search&bkeid=compare|mercent|googlebaseads|search&gclid=CMC12MbNid0CFVNLgQodbq4LMg&gclsrc=ds These are the headphones.
By looking around on Google I found that a TRS Splinter would fix my problem? But I wanted to make sure that's all I needed. My only concern is by looking at this picture how would it work with one audio jack from the headset? This is the item that I think is the right cable I'm looking for?
Any help would be great.