i have a 5820k @ 4.6ghz ...16gb ram...and a 1080ti and run it at 1440p...i run it on ultra and stay well above 60fps but will dip into 40's in crowded towns....if i put it on remastered i sit around 90-100 fps ...70-80 in town ...maybe your sli is messing with it....i had 980ti sli and got crap frames on it before remastered...what resolution are you running? BDO tends to like higher clock speeds vs core count ..your 2.6ghz base clock and 3.4 turbo might be holding u back at 1080p
So its more or less a waste of time to download and activate it....
Once Remastered is active the framerate drops under 30 FPS even on good computers.....
There would have been more important stuff to work on than this Graphic improvement.
The installation of this Remastered update took longer than the time i was online playing after it was finished
sad sad.....
Get Gud and maybe one day you'll figure out how to change graphic setting in a game. Untill then update your potato. Maybe get someone that knows things to do it. They should be easy to spot. They'll be the ones not crying about some made up bs.
If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first.I'm too busyactinglikeI'mnotnaiveI'veseenitall, I was herefirst. -Very Ape- Nirvana
I've got a very nice computer which can easily handle the graphics of BDO on its highest settings...my problem is that I can stay connected to the stupid game for more than 5-7 seconds before it crashes to desktop.
And with this update, I can't even play the game. The graphical glitches even at the lowest possible settings is to much to be ignored. So k of these developers siding with hardware vendors for specific upgrades that don't work on all hardware.
This ha salso made me decide to never upgrade my computer again. If this is the path way for vendors and developers to be lazy in game engine coding which depends on an"upgrade" they can go fuck themselves. I've stepped off the treadmill of upgrades and this will be my last computer I will ever own.
YOu don't have to play along. YOu can play older games. I played MUDs for a long time and enjoyed them when games like Vanguard: SOH and SWTOR and others were being released. I've long played old games. Even right now, I got an i3-8100 16gb ram GTX 1660 and I'm choosing to play Everquest on the Agnarr server. I've sunk many hours into that so far. The graphics look like 2001-3 (with luclin models). I do play some modern games. I got Assassin's Creed Syndicate. I don't actually like the game, I just play it to see the open world london. The graphics in it are astounding compared to something like EQ. Evenso, graphics are just one part of immersing in a game. If a game is good in other areas, I can forgive graphics. At least for me. Maybe it's my attitude. I still think old games can be better than new ones. Game desing and games in general don't evolve in a perfect linear fashion. Designers aren't all-knowing godlike creators. I think we can still find unique insight in 30+ year old games, if our mind is open to it.
I know i am poor... but i do have a PlayStation 4
DLing on my PS4 as we speak....
Damn. I hate console gaming. *cringe*
I don't take slutty pictures while holding a controller