TLDR version: I am worried about the outdated Engine.
As an avid Bethesda fan I love this company.
They gave me endless hours of fun with their games, from Daggerfall (my first binge gaming) to Fallout 4.
They do sandbox RPGs like no other.
I think they were, and still are, the best developer out there despite of their flaws.
It's one of the few companies that when a game is announced make me piss my pants.
So why I am worried then?
No, it's not because the 76 debacle. Shit happens.
I am over it already, even though I might make another thread explaining what went wrong.
I am not even worried about the overall quality of future games.
I don't think Howard forgot how to make beautiful, immersive, sandbox RPGs.
He produced 5 successful blockbusters in his career (not just 1 like many other so called gaming gurus).
I trust his (and his people) good judgment in game design.
No, what I am worried about is BUGthesda.
Yes, I am one of those people that over the years endured the many bugs in Bethesda games, because the games were just too good, plus the mod community fixed them.
I was obviously expecting bugs in 76, so I was ready for it (sad isn't it?).
But after 76, I am started to get a bit nervous.
Bethesda cannot keep ignoring this problem any longer.
This is not a case of simple lazyness.
The main cause of this problem is... the ENGINE. The Creation Engine.
This is a 16 years old engine, initially called Netimmerse, but it was actually a 3rd party engine called Gamebryo.
After Fallout 3, they 'forked' the Gamebryo Engine and called it Creation Engine, but the code base was still Gamebryo.
Todd Howard said many times that the the Creation Engine is a very convenient and reliable tool for Bethesda and Mod makers to create their game fast. Though I am not too sure about the 'fast' bit, it's true that modders love the engine, it is easy and convenient to use.
Having said that, that's the same Engine used to make Morrowind, 16 years ago (add at least 4 years of development).
Sure, it's updated and revisited, but even after all those years, there are the same bugs present 20 years ago.
One of those bugs everyone can see in every Bethesda game is the physics.
If you bump into a plate in Morrowind, it will start flying around every corner of the room uncontrollably, same happens in all Bethesda games up until 76.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg, the list of old bugs is endless.
Performance is another issue with the creation.
The game is just too old to process all the polygons that modern graphic requires.
In 76, frame per seconds run well below 60, even in high end PCs (I heard Xbox is pretty bad)
But what worries me the most is that they are using this Engine for Starfied and TES 6.
Keep in mind Skyrim is 7 years old, and the new chapter won't be released before 2020, so plenty of room for everything.
My question to Bethesda is:
"What the hell have you been doing for the last 7 years?" (Falllout 4 and 76 is not the correct answer)
Since they are taking their sweet time to develop TES 6, the least they could do is to create a new state of the art engine that could support both cutting edge graphics and the FPS combat style required by Bethesda games.
Maybe they could ask the support of ID Software and modify the ID Tech 4 Engine to suits Bethesda needs.
Or just create a new one from the ground up.
Whatever they do, they should not use the Creation Engine, I don't think even Bethesda coders knows exactly what's in it.
After 20 years of tweaking and upgrading there is so much dead code in it that it will be difficult, if not impossible to extirpate all the bad code and polish it properly.
Insisting on it, it's like slowly digging your own grave.
So in conclusion.
Bethesda cannot work with a 20 years old Engine in 2018, this is just asking for trouble, which they got with 76.
TES is what made Bethesda, and if TES 6 performances and bugs are as bad as 76, we can say bye bye to Bethesda.
And personally, I don't want that.
So Todd, get your shit together, buddy.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Seriously. If CIG can actually get it working for SC with online components, I don't see why Bethesda couldn't fit a Fallout 4-style singleplayer title there and maintain acceptable performance.
Not saying there cannot be engine issues but bugs you talk about are just wrong use of the tool, since game engine is just that - a tool.
I don't think they actually ever really worked on fixing the engine, they just optimized it for better graphics and added more stuff on top of it, the old 'rotten' core is still hidden somewhere down there, almost untouched, since the issues with all Bethesda games keeps repeating every time.
Modders usually fix the bugs (that's a known fact), but they can't fix the engine, and neither do Bethesda.
So the next game will have the same issues than the previous one.
For a Bethesda fan, every time is a deja-vu (unfortunately).
And as I explained my previous post above, it's a patch (a plaster), not a fix.
If you stop using the MOD you can still play the original version, because MODs are not actually modifying the official Engine, but just patching your client.
Modders cannot actually fix Bethesda engine.
Because Bethesda relies so much on Mods fixes, they never been bothered to actually fix their engine.
So all the bugs are rolled over to the next game, then the Mods 'fix' it (patch it) again in the same manner they 'fixed' the previous game.
Rinse and repeat.
Gut Out!
What, me worry?
Think about Bethesda.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
You said their games look great,i disagree,i feel they are stuck in the 90's.One of the knocks i have had with Bethesda is the same i have for most of these devs,they don't know how to make a MMO,these are all single player designs with a login screen and not much more.
Then their single player games,i have played a few,they are ok but i never felt compelled to play any of them much past a couple weeks then i got bored.Bethesda like so many imo make systems OK but nothing ever stands as as saying,man that is really good,i want that in a game i make.
You like Daggerfall as mentioned it is ok nothing great,Fallout however is imo a terribly over rated series,not good what so ever.
My main point however is that this is not the engine,that would lean more towards a few things but Bethesda's problem with the Fallout series is lack of overall systems and design,they are simply making a BUDGET game to cut costs and time.
Example in Fallout,you know what i saw a LOT of ,players reading a computer screen in the game...BORING,like not something i want to be doing when i am gaming,i am looking for a LOT more immersion and fun than that.
They lack the MMO feel,creativity and systems,yes i have seen effort in days of past although dated now but i don't see the effort in the Fallout series.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.
"At one point technology meant making tech that could get to the moon, now it means making tech that could get you a taxi."
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
There is a tiny problem; they are Bethesda employees.
I don't think it's a case of not using the engine well.
I think it's the case of having an engine that has its limits, being a 20 years old engine (at its core).
Add to that they added features after features throughout the years, optimized its graphics capabilities and what not, adding bugs each time they did so, without ever really cleaning the older code.
There is a backlog of bugs they never took care of, which keeps getting bigger every time they release a new game.
That explains why Bethesda games are packed of bugs at launch, and seems to be always the same as previous games.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Of course it's Bethesda which added the bugs, they are part of the problem, maybe the biggest culprits.
That's what the thread is about after all.
But the problem with Gamebryo (Creation Engine's dad), is that is a 20 years old engine which cannot satisfy today standard of gaming, without heavy modifications, and Bethesda squeezed already the soul out of it.
The engine definitely ran its course.
76 looked worse (except for the flora) and performed worse than previous games.
I think it is time Bethesda retires it.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
But I doubt that other developers knows if someone else engine is plagued with bugs or not.
The games surely are, they got to come from somewhere.
And the Engine is the core of a game, and the same constant in each game (Developers change, the Engine is still the same).
The are few facts that no one can't dispute:
1) The Engine is 20 years old
2) Every Bethesda game has been released with tons of bugs
3) Most of those bugs are recurring in every game
You do the mats, I did mine.
Maybe I am wrong, but Bethesda bugs are still there, and there must be a reason.
This is the explanation that makes more sense to me.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.