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KiamdeKiamde Member CommonPosts: 5,820

Once of my best freinds has had shadowbane since its release and is [was] probably on the top 50 list. He loves it [or on] until he was one of the few 100 or so users hacked in the last few weeks. A group of hackers [that must have hated the game as much as you guysimage] caused over 500 towns to be impaled with natural disasters, stampeding uber monster and random events that demolished the towns. His town was destroyed COMPLETELY and his character killed! He HATES Shadowbane now! I find this histaricle!image He is moving to ACII now since he MUST be on a crappy MMORPG always and because he has little to no social life outside his computer room.image 


"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"

"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman


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