I always hesitate when I want to edit something because I hate breaking up the beautiful colour on a post with that nasty banner at the bottom informing everyone when I edited the post. It somehow indicated a failure on my part of insufficient care taken while posting. I am notorious for numerous spelling errors I have to go back and repair. Now you have it on the side near the avatar. I would have made this suggestion but it did not occur to me, such is my brilliance that a thought I hadn't come up with was executed at my unconscious behest.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
You are not alone cheyane!
Woot it is gone! Yeah!
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR