Along with all the news about Apex Legends, I saw this article pop up on my Google News: has floated its way back to the top of the Twitch charts for BR. Additionally, Fortnite still makes more money for Epic than Apex does for EA: Tim Sweeney, the biggest competition for their base's time is actually, believe it or not: FIFA.
Seems to me that Apex has carved out a healthy population, but Fortnite, as WoW before it, continues to enjoy social proof and bandwagon effects to Epic's great benefit (not to say Fortnite isn't a good game, but at a certain point the reputation does almost as much good as the game itself).
Twitch viewership is a zero sum game if one guy who has 30-40K viewers switches from one game to another thats a 60-80K swing. If you have all these guys who jump from BR to BR all go to another genre altogether it really moves the numbers.
Apex is full of cheaters and hackers, and while they claim theyre banning people left and right it shows they cant stop them and can barely slow them down. They also made their first round of 'changes' which I said are usually things that drive people away not bring more people onboard. if you start out with 90^ saturation why change anything? Pubg is the prime example. Had they not tried so hard they probably wouldnt have fallen so hard so fast. Fortnite was THAT good to cause all that. People just got tired of the chnages that were made with Pubg so they were looking for an excuse to leave. Similar to Fortnite, its a kiddie game and every BR that has come out including a CoD title took a lot of people away from it, but people still go back to it just like they go back to WoW because it caters to the 'hardcore' casual mentality better than the alternative.
Fortnite is just a bunch of kids running around with umbrellas. Why would anyone make a bus that floats with balloons? in Fortnite, you have to aim 1 meter above someone’s head just to shoot them!! Fortnite Battle Royale isn’t even realistic. There are no tensions in Fortnite. 99% of the time you play Fortnite, you are running around scavenging items, and the last 1% is just getting a couple kills or getting shot in the head and getting eliminated, PUBG has way better graphics, more and better guns. Who would try to hold the wooden part of a gun with a band-aid??? PUBG has way more tension, and it is just better.
Quick Fact: Fortnite has 125 million players in the world while PUBG has 400 million.
Because, in case people didn't get the message yet, players like cosmetic stuff.
I am willing to bet that for the majority of modern players, character customization (outfits/gear) it's one of the most important thing they look in a game (see BDO, WoW transmog and so on).
Basically the best games are made by developers who are also players and create the game they want to play.
In fact the biggest publishers just buy successful smaller Studios in order to be relevant, they rarely create anything groundbreaking on their own.
Im actually jealous because I don't have an mmo that gets that kind of attention.
Aloha Mr Hand !