Here are some recent numbers from Zynga. I am referencing the articles which lead to the ARPU. ARPU
1.1M MUP or Paying users per month 2.2% (vs 49M MUU, Unique users per month)
82.66M Revenue per month (Q4 2018, 248M/3)
$75 monthly ARPU (or 901 annual)
This is for those that are looking for numbers about what % of playerbase pays, and how much.
95% of the online game I tried, I didn't play more than 1 hour. I would guess most people do that too.
I played game at launch. Recruited 999 people to guild. a few month later 10 of those 999 players are active. Unique user per month don't mean active user.
This is poll for fate grand order and pokemon go, BDO
As for active vs unique. There is no attempt on their (or the industry's) part to make this confusing. They are reporting numbers in a way that is both clear, and easily verified. It is done in the same way that they use to calculate their revenue, and is consistent with the industry in general. An attempt to try to use 'active' is usually an attempt to manipulate the numbers in some way, as it introduces an unknown element (i.e. what is active) and usually does so in a way that generates some bias.
As @Superman0X says these are real numbers - albeit for one company for one quarter. Real as in: the Chief Execs etc. can be fined and imprisoned if the numbers reported to investors are false. Real numbers not something in a poll.
Are they representative?
You can read @Superman0X 's comments but if you choose to dismiss them other companies can be looked at.
For example Activision Blizzard recently reported quarterly revenues for (Candy Crush) King of $529M - so about $176M a month. And they reported 272M MAUs. So the top level number is under $2 per user per quarter!
If - IF - Zynga's 2.2% applies that would suggest just under 6M active paying users. With each user spending less than $30 per month.
If - IF - Zynga's $75 applies then only 0.88% of users pay anything.
You can pick any combination - as long as they stack up to the numbers that Activision Blizzard reported to investors; the ones for which execs can be locked up if false.
King's numbers make Zynga's look wonderful - which is saying something.
You can do other quarters, other companies etc. but King's support @Superman0X 's commentary.
Of course your polls could be right - but if so the motto is don't extrapolate from them to the resy of the industry. Real numbers are exactly that: real.
If you meant to tell me only 2% of players pay on mobile game. Tell me why the 3 polls I listed from other games shows much more people do spend money.
And here is 2 more poll for elder scroll blade and clash of clan.
I posted them because people often disbelieve the numbers when they are presented, and I dont always have a good example on hand (and am not willing to waste time to find one for something so basic).
I think it varies game to game. RPG and strategy game have much higher ARPU and the poll I listed are from RPG and strategy genre.
But also I think the big reason why the number is so lopsided is simply because very few of the monthly active user are actually active. A high percentage of those numbers are probably from people trying the game and quit immediately after.
Or most of them are just very casual, that they didn't get far in the game to warrant spending money.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
Well apparently it is free for 97.8% of the population playing them.....Thats why alot of us jump in when people here say f2p isn't is free for most of us.