Vanguard was the game that should've been great, but never really got there.....FOr some reason it always ran poorly on my rig, no matter which PC I used.
Star Wars Galaxies. Not because I actually care about it at all, but because it unleashed an army of really jaded people onto forums everywhere.
Big yikes
[[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button. Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
You know, I hadn't actually considered that one because it isn't what I'd traditionally consider a MMO. But I do miss it. Hoping MUA3 will fill that void.
Vanguard is the only one. Only played for about a month before it shut down, going thru the starter island and beyond it was obvious Sony didn't have a fecking clue how to run a F2P game, but then hit the real world and regret not being able to spend time getting to explore that world before it shut down.
To think we have to make do with hollow shells like Bless, Revelation and Black Desert (graphics aside) just shows how much the genre has declined quality wise.
Played it for seven years. Had all six crafter classes near level 50. Had two accounts with maximum number of slots. Had so many more plans. Had so many more characters.
I started MMOs in a game that was a bridge between the old school and newer....flashier....
Well now that bridge has been cut out from under me.
I left my reminder on my avatar and signature for the grief is still to near.
I play other MMOs time from time but I'm mostly playing single player games now.
To think, I started playing it on a whim to try a Turbine game as the upcoming Lord of the Rings Online held my interest back then.
Perhaps it's best I'm really too busy in real life to play MMOs.
My hope from the destruction of my homeland is for fantasy MMOs to have more diversity instead of pigeon holding into elves (yuck!) and orcs. (dwarves are excellent though )
All the games that I was sad to see go, had actually changed before shutting down and had already lost what made them special. COH, Loved it before COV, not after. SWG.....yeah, that game "shut down" (for me) after NGE. Many games I enjoyed have been closed, however, none closed at the point where I was still enjoying them.
The orginal Horizon that never was. The game that came out was nothing like it was supposed to be. Birth the jaded and skeptical of any game with tons of promises.
SWG we told the devs sent in a petition with over 1 mill sigs they would not listen. Now they are gone.
Yup! By far one of the most wasted IP's. Was a great game (it did need some love, no argument) that was wasted by "fixing" it to death. Such a shame, we will probably not see that IP realized in that way again. Truly sad.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
To think we have to make do with hollow shells like Bless, Revelation and Black Desert (graphics aside) just shows how much the genre has declined quality wise.
I started MMOs in a game that was a bridge between the old school and newer....flashier....
Well now that bridge has been cut out from under me.
I left my reminder on my avatar and signature for the grief is still to near.
I play other MMOs time from time but I'm mostly playing single player games now.
To think, I started playing it on a whim to try a Turbine game as the upcoming Lord of the Rings Online held my interest back then.
Perhaps it's best I'm really too busy in real life to play MMOs.
My hope from the destruction of my homeland is for fantasy MMOs to have more diversity instead of pigeon holding into elves (yuck!) and orcs. (dwarves are excellent though )
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
Misting up just thinking about it.
Gut Out!
What, me worry?
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
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We got Tasos'ed bro. I feel ya!
New players can get a welcome package and old/returning players can also get a welcome back package and 7 days free subscription time! Just click here to use my referral invitation
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.