If Darkfall is in your top 5 rated games, I seriously question your judgement and place no value in your opinions. To this day it's still the game that disappointed me the most.
The users of this site rate the games. The ratings reflect what the registered users of this site has given the games. All of us can rate the games. If enough people rate a game it rises to the top. The site managers are not the ones rating a game and bumping it up. I suppose if games pay people to come here and bump a game up that would be possible too.
If Darkfall is in your top 5 rated games, I seriously question your judgement and place no value in your opinions. To this day it's still the game that disappointed me the most.
ya but people that still play it now must really like the game... So it is possible the few people playing it give it a high rating.
Either that or people affiliate with darkfall give it a high rating.
Either that or people affiliate with darkfall give it a high rating.
Even those of us who actually liked the game still rate it as garbage game released by the most garbage of developers.
I mean holy shit ever have three navals despawn with the all of 12 people who still played...I have.
No way that game is rated by anything other than SEO style marketing straight out of bollywood or bots. Either way.... I call bullshit on it's rating.