Are there any good scifi games out there that are not oriented towards flying space ships? I've got plenty of fantasy games, and some more coming out that I'm eagerly awaiting (crowfall, new world, a few others. I know, terrible, a waste, yada yada yada) I would really like something in the line of anarchy
I self identify as a monkey.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
I'd have to say Fallout 76 and The Outer World's for 'newer' stuff.
On the older side; SWToR where the spaceship just takes you from planet to planet, STO which leans more towards spaceship stuff, but does include a ground game and SWG Legends where you never have to have a space ship if you don't want to.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
(also, no idea why I typed borderline, wasn't an unconscious jab, I like the Borderlands series)
It has a real cash economy so every bullet you fire, every decay in armor, every km you drive takes up actual $$$$ but then everything you loot is worth $$$$.
Dont play the game to make money.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Cyberpunk 2077?