This reminds me of the good times i had Playing the 2006 Dark and Light Beta SOG 2005. mix in with some "Game of Thrownes".
a lot of what they are doing is so cool. mind you not everything is in game. but the updates are rolling out.
and things seem to be moving vary well.
it looks like the things most people are looking for in a MMORPG are all going to be up to the players building them.
(this has some people upset. they can not go to NPC and ask for a quest. no ? above their head.
and no glowing trail showing them where to go. and they want this in the game.)
I do not i want to have to look at my map. (and yes they give you a map with marks on it and your location and direction you are going and looking.
so not sure why they are upset.
Your kingdom it's towns and venders are going to be all made by the players.
from what i understand even the money system will be made by players it starts as a barter system. then when you start making coins and if others start to use it? wow. you will be able to make churches/temples and a religion system. and the one that gets more people to follow it gets to build a Religious Org. with its leaders. and others might work on building up and leading one of the many kingdoms.
as of now the Kingdom area are 6 on each of the 4 continents/islands 24 of them, the land mass is large and the game lets 7000 people pick one of the Kingdoms as a home. yes up to 7000 can have Plots in a kingdom. you can travel/walk in to any kingdom, no horses yet. some areas have more resources and large parts of the continents/islands are Wild lands (areas out side of the Kingdoms that is full of resources.) and in the middle of all the large continents/islands is a smaller one that is full open PVP with the top level of Loot and Resources. (everyone will and is fighting over them.)
But this is only a small area of what the game will have. seeing this is less than a 1/5 of the games full map. so the Early Access Beta is just a taste of what is to come.
we are "TheForsaken" Clan in server "US East- Freyja - Inis Gallia - Trecassis" also have an out post in "Aras"
I am Deka AKA Dekawar, Dekamore. hope to see all of you in game.