Yes, there is no race restriction on any class. Enjoy !
--------- Gi (honesty), yu (courage), Jin (compassion), Rei (courtesy), Meyo (honor), Makoto (sincerity) and Chugo (Duty) are the Seven Tenets of Bushido. Make them yours...
--------- Gi (honesty), yu (courage), jin (compassion), tei (courtesy), meyo (honor), makoto (sincerity) and chugo (Duty) are the Seven Tenets of Bushido. Make them yours...
Gi (honesty), yu (courage), Jin (compassion), Rei (courtesy), Meyo (honor), Makoto (sincerity) and Chugo (Duty) are the Seven Tenets of Bushido. Make them yours...
Gi (honesty), yu (courage), jin (compassion), tei (courtesy), meyo (honor), makoto (sincerity) and chugo (Duty) are the Seven Tenets of Bushido. Make them yours...