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Where, oh where is my Falcon 5.0?

I was skimming through my boxes of backed up software when I stumbled upon my copy of Falcon 4.0 in it's Officer's Binder ( special edition ). I wanted to install it but I remember that since I converted to Windows XP there's been compatability issues running the game. This led me to wonder when will someone PLEASE make Falcon 5.0? It's not that Falcon 4.0 looks bad even by today's gaming standards. In fact, I am sure if I could get it to run properlly it would look glorious on my gaming rig. It just seems like it's been so long since we've gotten a good modern combat flight sim game with the detail of the Falcon series.

I can't stand arcade style flight sims. I prefer it to be as realistic as possible. 4.0 was so great to the point that if you actually mastered the game you could literally sit down with a real life Falcon pilot and talk about a lot of controls. When, I ask you?! WHEN?!?!

"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."

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