I would post this in the AA forums, but I want an honest oppinion from people that have played it. How is this game, and what does the future look for it. I'm dieing to try it out, since it's a mix up in the MMORPG world. Anyways, let me know what you know about the game or how you like/dislike it. Thanks in advance!
Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds
Good sharp graphics
Use of cars (first in an MMO)
Action-based gameplay (very fast and furious, twitch-style if you wish)
Mostly desstructible environments
Mostly solo content (pro if you like to solo)
No death penalty
Very, very, very small population playing the game, despite lots of advertising
Similar quest-based play to most other MMOs
Economy limited (no bazaar/auction/market ... no mail or communication system)
Limited need to group (resulting in few groups, little communication between players)
No death penalty (yes, this can be a con as well, depending on your perspective)
In general, if you like the "Pros" and don't dislike the "Cons" you'll like playing this game. The biggest issue right now is the small population on the 4 servers that exist ... it's very light, which is rather surprising given that it's just after launch and the game has been rather well advertised in most outlets.
The game is a refreshing change from everything else out there. I have played alot of online games probably 30+ and have played a few of these for extended peroids of time(2 years+) and auto assualt is the only one in the last year i have enjoyed as much as my original online game..probably because it is so different. If you look at the core game mechanics it runs alot like other games but the way they have done the gameplay it is a total different play style to anything else out there at the moment.
How is it, though? It's a good game. NCSoft did a great job giving the devs the time they needed to make sure it was ready for release, I think. Of course, it has potential to be a lot more, and hopefully the devs will get around to building on it, but it's not buggy, unstable, or lacking content, like many other MMOs when they're released.
If you like the concept, it's definately worth trying. It's not for everyone, but it is well done in a lot of ways. and hate to say this, but I'd say try it now, while you have the chance.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
This game is in fact the antithesis of EVE. There is very little downtime (personally I hate spending 20 minutes watching the auto-pilot fly the ship).
I would say it is like COH but with more freedom, variety and a bit more depth.
Playing on the English Euro Server have not noticed a lack of players (I would say there are more than there were during Beta and yes having played in Beta I still bought the game) though with three seperate starting zones it is difficult to tell how the mutants and biomeks are doing. I would say it's a bit early to comment on player numbers since it is Easter weekend and traditionally a time when people go on holiday/ do family stuff and then there are those who haven't got the game in time.
What I don't like about it well after five or six hours I find myself wanting to take a break but twenty minutes later it's back to it again.
Convoying has not really been called for and I have had no invites to corporations yet at this rate I may just have to force myself to be sociable.
As to end game, it needs work but I am sure that that will be addressed in the first couple of free expansions when there is more of a need. Until then there are three seperate realms to experiences so no fear of having to repeat anything for a couple of months.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
I've played many MMO's and AA has had an extremely smooth launch. It also has a surprising amount of depth and gameplay for a game just released at launch. It's got a lot of content as far as I can see so far. It has a fully established crafting system that isn't tooooo deep but it's also fully developed and not there as a diversion as crafting is in WoW. I'm a power plant crafter and Im definitely compelled to craft in the game and the only other game I've ever tried crafting in besides AA is WoW, I've always avoided crafting in my other MMOs for the most part.
In my second day yesterday I played in a multi-faction solo tournament with a prize of 1,500 clink. I won in round 1 but lost in round 2. I have to say that being in that tournament, being a Mutant going up against a Biomek, and with a sizable amount of money on the line for a level 9 player, had my heart pounding and I can't remember having an exhilarating time like that in another MMO in a while. I was impressed they had the tournament and arena system in at launch.
The graphics are very good and the fully destructible environments in a large persistent open world (yes this is an MMO) is definitely an act of achievement.
There are some things lacking at launch such as an auction house to make the economy a full on 100% player economy (the devs have said this is project #1 to implement in game in their list of over 40 development items post-launch). I am sure they will also add mail and other needed items. However, I am willing to give them time...how long did it take Blizzard to implement an auction house or pvp system?
At level 60 I believe you get to the multi-faction pvp area. I hear it needs a little development but the important thing is that the PvP system is IN and seems BALANCED. All they need to do is simply add to it to make a killer end-game. We'll see how that goes.
Overall, think CoH/CoV but with ALOT more depth at launch, faster paced combat, exteremely solo friendly game, a full crafting system, and a Mad Max/Fall-out theme. If this sounds interesting to you then try it out. The game may surprise you with its content and depth.