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Will (PC/video)games ever be on Talk Shows

I just thought this up recently. Well we've got the late night talk shows such as leno/conan/letterman and they always have celebrities/musicians on talking and basicly advertising their products, movies/shows/music. I sure hope sometime in the future this shows will be willing to allow the gaming industry to use this type of advertising as well. I dont think today this would be accepted or be worth it because you would sorta need a more younger host to actually know what these games are about, conan sorta appeals to the younger audience or even carson daily has a half hour show on national tv super late. But I sure hope that at least in the next 5-10 years that gaming developers will be put on these shows because it is just another form of entertainment.

WIll it ever happen?

Current: Puzzle Pirates
Waiting: SWTOR,Aion, CO
Played: AC, WoW, SB, EVE

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