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ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65
Can someone give me a summary of the types of quests within this game? Are there a lot of quests or do you spend some time killing monsters for no purpose?


  • CleffyIICleffyII Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,440

    There are hat quests that have you killing monsters with no purpose.

    Aside from that there are like 50-200 LOOONG quests that have you actually go through a story arc and everything you do has a purpose.  When the quest is over.  Usually takes a day or two if you go straight through it.  Then you get a very very big reward.  A couple million exp and an item.


  • ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65
    Can these long quests be soloed sometimes?
  • CleffyIICleffyII Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,440
    Usually you need a party for the final part cause you gotta go through a hard dungeon and fight a difficult monster.  There are a few soloable ones I think.


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