Is anyone else here annoyed at the level of hacking that's been going on lately in the game?
Today, for example, there is a new "disconnect" hack, which disconnects
everyone on a server and gives them a slight rollback, making levelling
almost impossible.
The guild-leaving hack was annoying, but I found a solution - sending
my guildless friend off to town to pick up my items for me. But
this....just pisses me off to no end.
Unfortunately, you get what you pay for. Any game that is not pay-to-play is going to be nearly impossible to police, because it is trivial to create a new account if you get banned on another one. The lack of money also means that there the resources aren't there to provide an adequate policing of the game by GMs. This can be a fun game, but lack of support and lack of oversight are turning Flyff into a pile of crap.
Who'd win in a fight? Scorpion or Sub-Zero?
Gameguard, netguard, etc. are all a joke. They only use them so they can say "It's not our fault! Look, we even use anti-hacking protection!". Takes the hackers all of 20 minutes tops to be right back at it when they update, the game company doesn't have to accept responsibility, and the legit playerbase gets the shaft. Pay-to-Play FTW!!!
Who'd win in a fight? Scorpion or Sub-Zero?
-And Yes... we all realize GameGuard is stupid ._.;
It's still a game no matter if you pay or not.