This is the current state of WoW PvP:
*10-19, 20-29, twinks galore.
*In some battlegrounds and level ranges Horde wins a VAST majority of the BGs(AB and WSG), the reasoning behind this is because Alliance are full of more kids/more straight PvErs than PvP. Players that want to win go to horde, and other good players get frustrated and ignore the pvp side of the game.
*In AV Alliance are noted for winning the majority due to a possible map imbalance.
*There are some balance issues with certain classes and some racials. If people don't see this as an imbalance let us say 'favoured' and 'unfavoured classes'.
*With the crossrealms,you can join alot of matches where you are considerably outnumbered.
*World PvP is at a minimum because of imposed dishonorable kills.
*There is a load of outrage on the forums at premades. Alliance have a tendency to premade because of the poor standard of PuGs.
*There is a rez bug in AB.
*A horrible ranking system.
*Mods which make decisions for the player.
*The very major impact of gear inequality at the endgame.
Now this is what I see as a pretty damn poor PvP system.
Now a look to the future is there going to be any improvements?
The Burning Crusade:
*Removal of dks.
This has to be a positive change but will it be revoked? Afterall why was it imposed?
*A change in the honor system.
Fortunately, I've not had to experience the horrors of this but I think a lot of people will be relieved.
*Every class being retuned, and gaining new abilities and talents.
Will they go by the experience of what every class is like to play or by some blind stats?
*A competitive arena system of 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, 4vs 4, and 5vs 5.
This I think is badly needed but will it be dominated by certain combinations?
*A balancing system which is said to take gear into account when matching up people for BGs.
Will this work? And this has to mean longer waiting times. You increase the selection criteria for joining BGs, it is no doubt a longer waiting time.
*A new BG.
Who will dominate this one?
*Some world Pvp options. Including an area which allows certain priviledges for control or not.
A positive step, but from reports it is merely one area, will the true world pvpers be happy?
*Interface code being changed to not allow mods making decisions for the user.
A good chance.
So, are you looking forward for things to come?
I'm hoping this idea works out. Personally, I prefer World PvP over BGs. I don't need much incentative to PvP, I tend to look at it like any other sport (ie. competition for competition's sake), but I know something like this will bring more in players.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
One of my main problems with WoW PvP aside from the obvious gear imbalance (grrr) is the fact that BGs don't feel like war. Yeah, Horde and Alliance hate each other and we're going to kill each other, but looky here, I'll show you by taking your flag three times. HA! EAT THAT! I have your flag! I just don't get the feeling that there's some serious animosity going on here. So, I'm hoping BC offers up something a little more convincing as far as meaningless violence and hatred is concerned that also has a somewhat realistic goal.
[Here's a list of all the games I've played and/or my computer specs to show how much more seasoned or technologically advanced I am than you.]
Don't get me wrong I enjoy doing the occasional BGs, but at the moment it is plagued with many issues which you will see the PvP forums full of.
Dishonor is the only thing keeping me from attacking towns.