Well, finals week has arrived for most of the country, and I wanted to wish everyone a hearty good luck. I've got my fresh supply of black market ritalin, 12 red bulls, and 3 packs of cigarettes. Tonight begins night one of a 5 day all-nighter marathon. If I dissappear in the next few days I probably had a heart attack.
Christmas break is almost here. Six weeks of hanging out with your buddies from high school awaits!
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Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
2nd. Ours have alraedy been, but I wish you all good luck anyway
Three finals for me. One's a presentation, the other's a test, and another's an essay-form. History, math, and... history. 'Yay' Compared to my two history classes, my math exam'll probably be quite fun.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
I got straight A's. ;D So that = no finals for me.
And they arn't till the 20th anyways.
Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Yup, not even close.
For my english class alone we had to do a written exam, an in class
research presentation and then a final paper based on our research
Fortunatly, thats done with, and I only have five more major projects to do
Yea, but the beauty of college is it's incredibly laid back til finals week. I've just learned to sacrifice this week of my life every semester. I'm going on 40 hours without sleep and I feel like complete ass, but I'm still wired, and the comedown on ritalin binges makes me really depressed. I'm emo, I know.
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Good thing Im not going to collage than eh?
Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!
So many college students, no wonder there's so much anti-religion liberal garbage on these forums. Well, good luck on your tests anyhow, heh.
What greater tribute to free will than the power to question the highest of authority? What greater display of loyalty than blind faith? What greater gift than free will? What greater love than loyalty?
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain