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How do i make boats

Anyone know the process of creating/building a boat and or house (professions, materials time)


  • BlurrBlurr Member UncommonPosts: 2,155

    To create a boat you have to be a Carpenter, and to create a house you have to be a Minerologist. (I guess houses are made of stone in Telon).

    Beyond that, I'd say you probably just need a signifigant crafting level, lots of materials, and some patience.

    "Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000

  • abc123abc123abc123abc123 Member Posts: 18
    sorry to hijack this thread, but can you do more than one crafting proffession?
  • Sarg01Sarg01 Member UncommonPosts: 170

    One major crafting profession is all you get. You technically get a minor in the "other half" of your chosen profession, but you're going to be pretty bad at it.


    To build a house or boat requires several different components to be assembled.  Ship and house components must be quested for by a sufficiently levelled crafter. Not all components can be made by a single profession (thus it is not possible for someone to craft a house by themselves).


    For instance, a level 25 carpenter has to quest for the hull recipe, the rudder recipe, the mast recipe, the deck, the wheel, etc.

    A level 25 blacksmith has to quest for the fasteners, etc.

    A level 25 outfitter has to quest for the sails, rigging and other ropey-bits.


    Same story with houses, except that minerologists have most of the pieces, not carpenters.

  • MX13MX13 Member Posts: 2,489
    Originally posted by Blurr

    To create a boat you have to be a Carpenter, and to create a house you have to be a Minerologist. (I guess houses are made of stone in Telon).
    Beyond that, I'd say you probably just need a signifigant crafting level, lots of materials, and some patience.
    It's a bit more complicated then that. For example, to make a house or ship you'll need things from all Professions.

    I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!

    In fact, forget the SWG!!!!


  • ghostinfinitghostinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 552
    I was out exploring with my rogue one day and I came across this guy out on a dock (NW of tursh if memory serves me correctly)  He was like crafting instructors in the towns and near him was an assembly table.  I hope this helps a little.
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