I would like to see an area at the top of the screen, near the name of the forum section that you’re in, that would show the number of active members in said forum room. If you’ve ever wondered how many people are in the forums with you or where those online members are, then this is for you.
General Discussion
Site Suggestions - 10 active users.
Well. I don't really mind. I see that some people may find it nice to have, but I would never use it. I know other sites have this kind of thing, but well, I've never rly seen the point in it.
You mean if 100 people are viewing the Site Suggestion section, you get a list this big:
I'm not really looking forward to that, mate.
sven101, I can see your point there. Two things though...
1. You dont have to click to see the names if its that many and you don't feel like having to read through them.
2. The part you seem to be concerned with is only a possible feature that could be used. My main suggestion is the first part, just the number of active users.
Thanks for your input though, perhaps I should take the second part out of my post in light of the confussion it seems to be causing.
Thanks to everyone that has voted thus far, no matter how or what you voted.
No, the reason for my suggestion is to allow anyone to see how many people are currently in a forum section. In doing so this would mean that if you were looking for a forum that was populated by more people you would know where to go.
Let's say you want to make a post about a certain topic, if you know how many people are there you can judge for yourself what kind of response to expect. Also if you were a frequent user you could rapidly see when and what forum sections are the most populated.
As you pointed out there indeed may be those that would enjoy knowing who is watching what.
Is it necessary to have? No, it's not.
Would it be a nice addition to the forums? I think it would.
List Boxes, Combo Boxes, and arrays exist for a reason There your friends so you don't have to post examples like that. We already know ways to make things look small even when there big.
>insert forum signature here<
I believe he's taking about the post where you were complaining about the list being big. Like if there was 100 users, and you're worried that it make a very big and annoying list of the active users' name.
He is suggesting that instead of having this big list, there can be combo boxes (Drop Down Menu, like when posting there are these two combo boxes where you can select the font and it's size), etc...