I just have a question, have anyone got trojans for downloading the europe version of the game? I did. when i was trying to patch it my trojan antivirus detected a trojan from the folder where the game was. i dont know if anyone els have the same issue but should you really get trojans from a game like this?
Sure it was really a trojan? Sometimes antivriuses get things wrong escpecially with games that need online access. Can't say i did because i havn't dled the game as of yet.
But ask this, did you dl it from a trusted site? One that they gave?
Read there FaQ, it might have a answer.
Also try to post somthing about it on there forums (if they have one) They might be able to give better advice.
They say Wisdom comes with the ages.......well, my grandpa isn`t THAT smart.
Sometimes virus can slip into a download. Trojans have to be placed into a download. So if this is true that it is a fake download. hehehe. Someone did that with TeamSpeak2.