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I have never seen a game that had so much lag!!
Somebody should tell them (the makers of rappelz) that they should do something about it..
Another negative thing is, when you make a guild and you haven't played rappelz for like 3 days all your members are GONE
Lol, it hasn't stunning graphics.. and the quests sucks.
The only good things about this game are:
-Weapons & Armours
-The animals..
The professions you can be are also ok the skills could be better and the people in it are nice..
BuT plz do something about the massive lag!!!!!
My internet connection is fine..
Games I've Played: SilkRoad, Flyff, NeoCron, PlanetSide, Rapplez, UpshiftRacer, Drift City, TB, Kwonho, ArchLord, AoA, Exteel, WolfTeam, Shaiyan, WoKF, FFXIV, STO, KoTR, ESO, Defiance, Mabinogi
Games I'm Playing: Warframe/STO
Games I'm Pondering: The Secret World
Lol you get for what you paid for is just stupid They want players in their game so fix the damn lag
It will lag a lot in the cities if you walk with a summoned pet. Since I discovered this, I unsummon my pet when I enter cities and it now very rarely lags.
Hey Mate,
Going to have to agree here mate. i got a brand new Dell XPS gaming system completely unlcoked Loads of RAM and core duo processors with a high quality xeleron or somehting like that garphics card. And still Rappelz Laggs, ive been advised on how to prevent the lag but it seems to me that the game just has issues with lagg. Maybe the servers are just getting crowded??
Whilst the game was fun to play the lag and the annoying interface put me off a dissapointing 6/10 for me
If you want real entertainment play Flyff
FlaxenFairy 2007
LAG CITY!!!!!! but other than that its cool=D......i play flyff now
No it is because of their servers and their connection, They still use windows 98, they probably only have a 10 mbit connection and they expect people to pay for cash shop items? C'mon GM's use your common sense and not your stick up your a$$ sense, buy a better os (Windows 2k3, hell even windows 200 pro is better even) and a better internet connection. NO LAG + BETTER/MORE IMMERSIVE QUESTS = MORE $$$$ as well as lower prices, people are willing to spend money on more items then just one or 2 it's not like it costs you money to spawn the item. Sorry for the long/slightly off topic post but the forums are down and I have no where else to rant ^^
game ...ok.
lag....not ok.....
Edit : Good now .....Episode 4 ...and game more funny ....
wonderful world
how much RAM did you have? lol
I have 1g RAM, 224mb dual graphic card. The only reason why I lag is if the graphic is on med-max mode. If you go minimal mode, you won't lag. But for my graphic card, I wonder why I lag with high mode.
It appears that the lag issues have been fixed.
Only rarely now do I see in main chat anybody complaining about it.
Epic4 Revolution is out and the differences to the game on all levels is massive.
from me.
I started playing and...
really.. even on high mode (the one I use).. I have e4 if that matters.
Now that E4 is out I very rarely have any lag and when I do its in the citys when I am visiting the shops so have to turn the option back on to see people and pets in towns. By the way I only have a 256k vid card and 756 meg ram and manage to get by fine.
Yeah since the new E4 has been implemented lag is all but totally done away with... just open the options and set the game play to not showing ppl in town... It works like a charm