Tell me your pirates name! (names can be the same in the game and can be more than one word, so you dont have to resort to names like "Tguy230") My pirate name is "Captain Dead-Eye Drake"
Umm im not sure if this is true, but from what ive heard you need to request a pirates name before you can use it. And if this is true it will take a few days before you can even get a name. So i suggest using one of their names that they create unless you want to wait for a while.
starting from... Ultima Online, Odyssey Online Classic, Diablo, Faldon, EQ, Darkage of Camelot, Diablo II, EQ2, World of Warcraft, FFF, whats next for Moog? (trying EQ2 again...!)
I see no one is taking the OP seriously ....reminder guys, this is Disney, they will catch any "cute" names like that in a heartbeat and smack you down like a red-headed stepchild. You won't even be able to free-chat without a subscription and PERMISSION from the chatting party..and even that is going to be heavily censored.
Max knows these things for he comes from the House of The Mouse and was trained deeply in their lore.
as for my pirate name? nah, ain't telling because it's so cool you'll wanna use it too :P
I see no one is taking the OP seriously ....reminder guys, this is Disney, they will catch any "cute" names like that in a heartbeat and smack you down like a red-headed stepchild. You won't even be able to free-chat without a subscription and PERMISSION from the chatting party..and even that is going to be heavily censored.
Max knows these things for he comes from the House of The Mouse and was trained deeply in their lore.
as for my pirate name? nah, ain't telling because it's so cool you'll wanna use it too :P
Har har har I know of this Pirate First of all ...He owes me 5 Gold.
His Name......Captain Blazzen Bum ........Har har har
But his Men Know him as "Old Fire Ass" ...Har har har
I see no one is taking the OP seriously ....reminder guys, this is Disney, they will catch any "cute" names like that in a heartbeat and smack you down like a red-headed stepchild. You won't even be able to free-chat without a subscription and PERMISSION from the chatting party..and even that is going to be heavily censored.
Max knows these things for he comes from the House of The Mouse and was trained deeply in their lore.
as for my pirate name? nah, ain't telling because it's so cool you'll wanna use it too :P
Har har har I know of this Pirate First of all ...He owes me 5 Gold.
His Name......Captain Blazzen Bum ........Har har har
But his Men Know him as "Old Fire Ass" ...Har har har
Har, don't be naming me after that landlubbing piece of flotsam...I be the ShadowedHand and you will not forget me soon, savvy?
(BTW, I'm in now so I've got the name locked down)
Tell me your pirates name! (names can be the same in the game and can be more than one word, so you dont have to resort to names like "Tguy230") My pirate name is "Captain Dead-Eye Drake"
I am gonna be a Commander of the glorious British Empire, therefore I will be Sir Francis Drake (how original)
Umm im not sure if this is true, but from what ive heard you need to request a pirates name before you can use it. And if this is true it will take a few days before you can even get a name. So i suggest using one of their names that they create unless you want to wait for a while.
First of all, it only takes about a day and they give you a temporary name, and you can play.
Pretty much the only reason i created a pirate account on POTCO was to get my current pirate name "Rated Arrr". I like the name, it's punny. I also tried to get "Im thinkin Arrrbys", but apparently that's not appropriate... oh well!
Mine is Peter Warhawk... couldnt be arsed to wait for approval... im looking for a guild btw im level 12 and ive been playing like 3 days so just message me here or in game or whatever and let me know!
starting from... Ultima Online, Odyssey Online Classic, Diablo, Faldon, EQ, Darkage of Camelot, Diablo II, EQ2, World of Warcraft, FFF, whats next for Moog? (trying EQ2 again...!)
Master of The Derry Air
Sir Horny Morgan, the Privateer
with the ship "Booty Call"
Max knows these things for he comes from the House of The Mouse and was trained deeply in their lore.
as for my pirate name? nah, ain't telling because it's so cool you'll wanna use it too :P
Har har har I know of this Pirate First of all ...He owes me 5 Gold.
His Name......Captain Blazzen Bum ........Har har har
But his Men Know him as "Old Fire Ass" ...Har har har
Har har har I know of this Pirate First of all ...He owes me 5 Gold.
His Name......Captain Blazzen Bum ........Har har har
But his Men Know him as "Old Fire Ass" ...Har har har
Har, don't be naming me after that landlubbing piece of flotsam...I be the ShadowedHand and you will not forget me soon, savvy?(BTW, I'm in now so I've got the name locked down)
First of all, it only takes about a day and they give you a temporary name, and you can play.
Captain Dead-Eye Drake
mine is Meghan Heartstealer
Wait a are you all already playing it if the game hasn't come out yet?
theyre probably playin beta
yup, i love beta ^^, but phase 1 is closed so we cant play until sept 1st
Captain Dead-Eye Drake
yeah everyone could have played i got my pass in july or so
I haven't played phase one yet but phase 2 should be out by the end of september oh and my pirate name would be Lord Hazer The III
p.s if you think im good think again
p.s.s in third movie they have the pirate lords id be one of them
I am the most nortaurios pirate to sail the seas
Pretty much the only reason i created a pirate account on POTCO was to get my current pirate name "Rated Arrr". I like the name, it's punny. I also tried to get "Im thinkin Arrrbys", but apparently that's not appropriate... oh well!
"Kate Swordstealer"
Taram Caldar
I know I know it's the same as the one I use in EVE, shoot me
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
my in game name is Johnny Sunhawk