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I never get too caught up in the hair options of the avatars, but the hairstyles in EQ2 are absolutely horrible! I was creating a character last night. Tried out a human, wood elf and dark elf. Maybe two or three of the many hair options were passable. The rest looked like they were from Munchkinland in the Wizard of Oz!
As I was scrolling through the options, I kept hearing the Lollipop guild singing in the background.
Why oh why has SOE not reworked these hideous hair options? If you go with facial hair, you end up with eyebrows that look like a Groucho Marx disguise.
Horrible! Anyone else agree?
SOE are too busy committing "atrocities", according to some folke round here.
But to your point. Yes, I say! Why not.
If you dont like the way your avatar look there is always the SOGA models... Go in to your settings and you should have the option to select what model you want for each race...
I agree. The hairstyles are horrible. I'm back playing and loving the game but hairstyles are the most noticeable character trait and sadly most races only have one "normal" hairstyle. They all look like something you would see on a Paris runway but no one in their right mind would actually go to their barber and say "Make me look like this".
We have a Krystals where I live (think White Castle) and the girl at the counter has one of those "Ice Sculpture" Hairdos. So everytime I roll a new character I think of Krystals....sort of kills that Fantasy vibe.
Dont like your hair?? Then keep your helm graphic on.
I have to agree, a lot of the hairstyles are pretty horrible. It took a while for me to choose one that seemed decent on my character.
LOL I am all with ya. Ya it has as Marx-brothers quality indeed. I stopped using the old models a LONG time and use the far better SOGA models. I admit not all of them are good, the gnomes or ogres are not much to my liking, but they are far superior to those overly gross and bad original models. Especially the hair falls much more natural in the "alternative" options.
Alas in most games haircuts are a neglected thing. SWG was one of the first to offer some good choices. Beards are nearly ALWAYS bad. I think the VG beards looked ok. Why is solid and good style such a BIG problem for game designers? Oh wait... they are... NERDS? Maybe they should consult REAL designers ant stop making character models that all look like they fell head on into a lawn mower.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Huh??? Just hold your horses a moment! I am all against SOE bashing, but someone critizied a certain feature, and justly so. I dont see how that is SOE bashing? I mean, reasonable critique cant be forbidden just because some ppl make a anti SOE frenzy. I am all on your side stopping the bash-flood here and I hope the mods are adamant in preventing them. But this isnt bashing.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
what if you dont like your helmet ?
and helmets are ugly to
Having a bad hair day in a video game. Is this truly the end?
Well now you can see how gear looks on you before you buy it. This new enhancement helps those interested in matching wardrobes instead of getting the best stats.
I can agree that the some of the hairstyles are hideous. I think the female ones are typically better than the males, and since I have played mostly females, I can't say I've ever given it too much thought. But for females there's usually only 3 or 4 hairdos that look good. Then the rest of kind of funky. I'd like to see more hair with fun dangly ponytails or rat-tails and things or even long strands of hair that move about on the side of the face and hang down to the shoulders.
Also, turning on your helmet is just plain ugly. I've yet to see any helmet that looks right on my DE templar. They all make her head look either way too small or way too big. But maybe that's the curse of platemail on a tiny DE body.
But overall I guess I don't think too much about this problem. And I'm usually out in areas mostly by myself, so I don't see many other people's do's.
Whats the deal with SOGA models?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
SOGA models were originally for the east Asian release of the game, I think. They look slightly more anime-ish for a lot of the characters. I think a few races look better in SOGA. Also the hair coloring system works differently-- rather than there being two independent colors like in the original models, the color and 2ndary colors blend to make a new color. Thus my Fae has bright pink hair, as they based the Fae on the SOGA models.
Not all races have the alternative models either. Barbarians look a hell of a lot scarier in SOGA.
Solution? Download and turn on the alternate models. Some of them are better, some worse, but at least it gives you a wider variety to choose from. The alternate models were directed at Asian gamers, you will notice that many of the male face models mirror FFXI or L2 models. They love guys who look like girls in other words.
Huh??? Just hold your horses a moment! I am all against SOE bashing, but someone critizied a certain feature, and justly so. I dont see how that is SOE bashing? I mean, reasonable critique cant be forbidden just because some ppl make a anti SOE frenzy. I am all on your side stopping the bash-flood here and I hope the mods are adamant in preventing them. But this isnt bashing.
Simple. Because to some people, criticism of *any* aspect of *any* SOE game = SOE Bashing.
Calling it "bashing" is one of the many ways those types will attempt to dismiss a point-of-view they disagree with. It's the same as the whole "don't like it? Go play WoW" response soooo many have used in numerous other MMOs forums when anyone's voiced criticism of it.
Some people simply can't accept that others simply don't like the game - or some aspect of it.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
LOL, you're right, there are some pretty outlandish hairstyles in there. There are a couple good ones, and then a bunch of crazy ones. I also like how the SOGA models hair flows better than the original model hairstyles. There are some really cool hairstyles in VG and LotRO, I wish they could expand and add a few of those. Getting tired of just switching between different pigtails.
It does give a lot of variety though as people with different hairstyles are QUITE different without the helm graphic, but most people pick the same hairstyles anyways.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
I must agree, the original SOE hairstyles are not the best looking. The alternate models look a little better, but a lot of them look very anime esque.
what if you dont like your helmet ?
and helmets are ugly to
The day SoE fix the bland armor is the day I will go on the street and give all my money to beggars!
The Soga models and hair styles for humans, elves, half-elves, and dark elves are just better looking IMHO then the original versions.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)