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I am looking to play a free MMORPG, or play an MMORPG that is currently in Open Beta. I currently have Gunz: The Duel, and while that game has been for a while, I am looking for something that has a bit more RPG depth.
So please leave your feedback
The Kouz
TR - Pegasus
There are 3 games that stand out, Archlord, 2moons, and Granado Espada ( the english version that is free, not the p2p one)
play these 3 games and decide which one you like most, the end.
Yeah I am downloading 2Moons right now..anybody have any experience/feedback with that game?
The Kouz
TR - Pegasus
A F2P game with depth? Good luck with that one, it sounds like an oxymoron to me. Haven't tried AO (and probably never will) but all the Asian F2P are nothing but endless and mindless whack-a-mole grindfests. That doesn't qualify as depth in by book.
I'd recommend Anarchy Online. Other games you might consider, depending on which way your tastes run might be Shadowbane, Archlord, or Granado Espada... NOT necessarily in that order. My advice isn't any better than throwing a dart at the game list to decide, but that wasn't quite enough to keep me from posting it.
P.S. If you do throw a dart at the game list, make sure it is a printed gamelist. Darts+monitors=No.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.