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License Agreement

SlavlinSlavlin Member Posts: 7

I thought I would share a few things I found in the license agreement here. Note that this is all copied and pasted, so the typos are not mine. The highlighted words are misspelled, which is minor compared to the rest of the items.

7. Necessary Equipment and Supplied Information. Snail Game supplies workable "software product", and will exert the network system to provide service through the Internet to users. Meanwhile, the users should:
1) outfit the equipment of surfing the internet, including PC, modem or other necessary eqipment.
2) affrod the payment of surfing the internet and correlative telephone rate and network expense.

*Poster note: Apparently, unless they put this in the license, some people assume that they will provide computers.

8. Refused to offer for security. The users themselves bear the risks of using network service. Snail Game doen't offer for any type of security, whatever specific or connotative type. Snail Game doesn't guarantee certainly satisfy the user's requirement, nor guarantee the service won't be intermitted or the service of timeliness, security and mistake appears and any possible loss of the users.

10. The user can transfer this product and granted rights to others, but the user should also transfer the attached manual and authorised contract together and can not keep any part for using. The accepter should abide by the contract as well.

11. Besides the rules the contract prescribed here, behaviors as below are expressly prohibited without permission of copyright owner(no matter it is charge or free of charge):
11.1 reproduct, copy, spread or display all or part of the program, manual and other TXT, AV data of this product.
11.2 spectacle and play all or part of this product.
11.3 rent this product to others
11.4 progress to rstore, decompile, disassemble, edit, translate or rework the program, image,animation and music of this product and any modification.
11.5 modify or cover the product name, brand, copyright information of the program, image, animation, packing and manual.
11.6 use the product to do business

*poster note: below is the whole reason that I put this up to see.

Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue in Chat or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users including without limitation posting commercial solicitations and/or advertisements for goods and services available outside of the World of Warcraft universe;

Between the misspellings and the apparent cut and paste from a competitors product, what do you all think about the possibility that this product will have good quality control?


  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209

    There's all kinds of misspellings in the game too.  They really should have gotten someone that knows English to double check everything it wouldn't have been that hard.

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • DystopiaBoyDystopiaBoy Member Posts: 222

    Well, they pretty much ripped off Transformer characters for graphics on their website. Got to love Chinese companies. If they can't think of anything new, rip off someone else. I seen in the news that they were making Harry Potter books that continued the storyline past the offical story.

  • OmegastrainOmegastrain Member Posts: 9

    do you have a link to that?

    Whoever said money can't buy happiness, didn't know where to shop.

    "Heal the past, Live the Present, dream the Future"

  • DystopiaBoyDystopiaBoy Member Posts: 222

    Originally posted by Omegastrain

    do you have a link to that?
    If you mean me, I seen it on CNN or Fox News. I can't remember which. But Stephen Colbert did a comedy bit on the Harry Potter books on his show. Here a link to the video...


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