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Ok, reading here and at other sites all the positive comments, along with going through MMO withdrawal, I'm going to go buy TR tomorrow. Couple questions:
1. How has the game changed since mid-beta? I'm not asking for a list of specifics, but in general. For example, when I beta'd, the game was far to easy, no real reason to group content-wise. Also, kill stealing was really annoying, especially in starter areas.
2. Is there an AH yet? Has it been announced for a certain day or patch yet?
3. What is your opinion on the crafting? Is it useful? Profitable? Are drops in general better than any crafted item in the same level range? Lastly, is the crafting set-up complicated or too simple?
4. I read alot about how great the contol point takeover / defence is. Is this something that happens frequently? Could you spend an evening just running around taking / defending CPs for an evening if you liked? What is the reward for winning CP battles?
Guess that turned into more than a couple questions..Thanks in advance for any input, and see you in game tomorrow!
The post you are replying to by Die_Scream, posted on 11/14/07 12:22:15 PM
Ok, reading here and at other sites all the positive comments, along with going through MMO withdrawal, I'm going to go buy TR tomorrow. Couple questions:
1. How has the game changed since mid-beta? I'm not asking for a list of specifics, but in general. For example, when I beta'd, the game was far to easy, no real reason to group content-wise. Also, kill stealing was really annoying, especially in starter areas.
I played in Beta and didn't really like it. I don't know exactly what has changed, but I now love it. The early game is still fairly easy, you can solo most of it (I'm only level 12) but I have done grouping for instances and some quests on another toon, and it is very fun. As for kill stealing, it doesn't even matter! Even if you only get a few shots in, and someone else deals the rest of the damage, you still get "credit" for the kill, can loot any quest items off of it, and it'll count towards your combo multiplier. Sure, you get less XP, but 90% of the XP is from quests anyway.
2. Is there an AH yet? Has it been announced for a certain day or patch yet?
I haven't logged in yet today (big patch today) but I didn't see anything in the notes about the AH being added yet. Probably 2 weeks at next patch if not today.
3. What is your opinion on the crafting? Is it useful? Profitable? Are drops in general better than any crafted item in the same level range? Lastly, is the crafting set-up complicated or too simple?
I don't have too much experience crafting yet, I haven't gotten any recipes to craft my own armor/weapons, but tons to modify / buff my armor/weapons. Oh, and a lot of different color dyes lol
4. I read alot about how great the contol point takeover / defence is. Is this something that happens frequently? Could you spend an evening just running around taking / defending CPs for an evening if you liked? What is the reward for winning CP battles?
A ton of fun, happen regularly, don't know if it's on a schedule or not, but it does happen a lot. You get any regular loot + experiene + money from enemies you kill, plus defense tokens/assault tokens that can be turned in for repeatable missions to get some really good crafting buffs/mods for your armor/weapons
Guess that turned into more than a couple questions..Thanks in advance for any input, and see you in game tomorrow!
Interesting, thanks! I'm really hoping that crafting will be a fun activity to do as well as fighting. This is especially true with an AH open.
Tokens for CP battles huh? Sounds interesting, I guess you just have to partake in some killing to get credit for helping.
yeah the tokens for CP's think kinda sucks IMO cause healers get the shaft (AFAIK) but its easy to rack up some tokens for kills at a CP either held by bane or that you denfend from them...
I pretty much agree with the poster above, haven't gotten into crafting myself (I rarely do) but breaking down junk drops for crafting mats rather than just selling them is a damn cool idea, though those mats have taken up a huge chunk of my bank and would be less annoying if things would automatically stack when you banked them...
Anywho, grouping=tons of fun... I've never had as much fun just running from place to place just getting waypoints in any game than I have when be and a bud duod running around just getting the teleport points on our lowbie alts when they first hit the divide...
Maps could be bigger, it really doesn't take long to get from a to b so I have no idea why people are crying for vehicles so bad... if anything fast travel would make things too small, though I ave been leveling alts back and forth so haven't gotten very far on any one char
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Have fun, kinda sure you will....that is if you REALLY play the game, hope you understand what i mean by that as unfortunaly most comments i hear from those who don't like the game seem to not REALLY play the game
The game definetly grows on you if you give it a chance. I am having a blast with it with some online friends thats talked me into in a few months ago. To me it has improved alot since BETA.
Crafting is actually sorta refreshing. Got the mats, recipe and proper skills? Then you can craft that item. No more making 20 sub-products that then at up to the end product. No more having to grind and grind crafting worthless items in order to gain experience to level up so that you can craft higher level items.
im thinking of joining TR too.
even though I didnt like it in beta that much,the positive reviews not only on multiple game sites but also from former beta testers here has swayed me.I need something new,especially since HG:Ls multiplayer options are so bad right now.
ill keep an eye on this thread to see what your impressions are,mr.scream.