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Fromt he footage, th Agency is pushing into alpha, will be ready "when it's ready" and there was a new quick glimpse of your operatives as playing cards.
Some new screenshots --;images;32
SOE tour (starting at 5:08 to 6:30)
Developer and gameplay videos
Part 1 of 3
I'll be honest. I heard SOE and I wasn't expecting much from this game but it sounds like they're at least trying some real innovations with this game.
SAVE POINTS in MMO? It's about time! Plus the ability to switch archetpes. 15min to 1 hour missions instead of 5 hour dungeon crawls. Soloability without removing group play dynamics.
Now SOE has a horrible reputation only surpassed by companies like Farlan and Sigil so I'm taking this all with a truckload of salt. Nonetheless I'll be keeping an eye on this game, maybe SOE will finally do a MMO right.
Gameplay Video 2 of 3
Gameplay Video 3 of 3
Looking sharp but I'm trying to manage my expectations after being disappointed 3 for 3 this year by PotBS and TR as well as the aborted attempt on GnH. It's fair enough to be cautious that SOE is involved but this really is the brainchild of the former Microsoft Mythica team.
It's funny... I was just looking for new stuff yesterday and didn't find anything, then my fiancee's brother told me they have new videos and I thought he was just lying to me lol.
Thanks for all the links!
After watching everything... I'm getting really pumped... This looks amazing