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Yes, this is my question. Do you think this game is worth of trying? to invest sometime and hope theres a good community, nice characters and some pvp fun? I wish I can read your opinions about, the pros and the cons of this ones.
Great Game up tp about lvl 60 Im hearing tho cant make an opinion on that im level 32.. Pvp is basically useless has no meaning other then to be a prick.. There are guild wars but less your entire guild can get up at 3-5 am in the US ur screwed.. Hevent really tried to blend into the cummunity yet since I came here with my guild from flyff.. The characters are pretty good if you wish to survive in the pvp world post level 30 your best bet is a werefox or ranger.. This game is awesome for me still and I been playing a month. Well worth the download you wont find a better f2p game out there.. Theres tons of negative feedback on this game epecially post lvl 60 but I dont care I'll judge it for myself since theres really no alternative game out there for me too play.. good luck
Some of my friends recommend my this game. I'm going to have a try.