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guide to revenants

LunethLuneth Member Posts: 63

Table of contents

1.       Introduction

2.       If you are walking alone

3.       If you are walking with a clan

4.       If you are with a revenant in a confined space

5.       Tips and tricks

Chapter 1       Revenants


Hello, and welcome to my small and sweet guide about how to evade the Guardians of the wilderness: The Revenants.

After many RuneScape sessions of experimenting with Reverants by running into them, attacking them, running in and away again, walking past them, running past them etc, my research is finally complete. (Yes, yes, call me sad ;))

As you probably already know, the Revenants are the ghosts of the victims of the vicious God Wars. Here is an extract from the Knowledge Base:


" The revenants are far more dangerous than their Combat level might suggest, being capable of attacking from all three corners of the combat triangle, as well as freezing their victims and preventing them from teleporting! Overall, a Revenant is a much greater threat than other monsters of the same Combat level.

They roam throughout the Wilderness, sometimes alone and sometimes hunting in packs, so you'd better keep a watchful eye out for them while you're sojourning in that barren land. "


Yeah, they sound bad, and BEWARE: THEY ARE (I'm sure many of you players have gotten on the wrong side of them too).



Chapter 2       Revenants

If you are walking alone

Lets, for the sake of this hypothetical situation, say you are walking past Varrock Palace and are about to cross the Wilderness Ditch.

For lower levels, you might want to run past the Giant Rats, as they are just an inconvenience. Don't run too much, though, as you need to save your energy.

Once past the little mud-mounds and into the dark, barren landscape of the true Wilderness, you may wish to turn your run off. I advise it. There are no 'conventional' monsters to worry about.

Don't be fooled into thinking you're safe though. One little look at the World Map, and taking your eyes off the game for a few seconds could mean you walk straight into the path of a Revenant. ALWAYS keep an eye on your mini-map. If any yellow dots appear, be sure to rotate your camera angle down to check if it is a Revenant.

Ok, that bit was relativly easy. Now we hit the big one: What if a Reverant sees you and attacks you?

My steps would be:

1) RUN if you don't think you can handle it - don't be fooled by its combat level. They are all overpowered.

2) Note how it attacked you: although they can use all methods of combat (mage, range, melee) it will most likely stick to one type for at least a few hits. If you have protection prayers, use them.

3a) If it freezes you: Panic. You will most likely DIE. Keep the protection prayer turned on, and swap as quickly as possible if it changes combat type. Keep clicking to run, so as soon as you aren't frozen, leg it!

3b) Try teleporting if you have one. It may have teleblocked you though, in which case this is no use.

4a) If you're dead: Don't worry, now you have felt what they can do. Next time, there's more chance you'll get it right ;)

4b) If you're alive: Congratulations! Run untill it is off your mini-map and rest in the cover of some trees. Revenants seem (although I'm not 100%) to attack you less if you are standing next to an obsticle, like a tree.


Chapter 3       Revenants

If you are walking with a clan/group


Obviously you are much safer:

1) You have a clan to 'help' protect you.

2) The chances of a Revenant choosing you to attack are much slimmer.

Don't be fooled though: When I tried this theory out with my friends, it was anything but foolproof.

Revenants can hunt in packs too, and the odds are stacked against you if your group meets a PACK of Revenants. You may wish to be brave, and fight (though I reccomend not doing so unless you are a very powerful clan).

I suggest, er well...legging it. If it is a single Revenant bothering you, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Just make sure you're either ALL attacking it or ALL running away.

If it is a pack, then make sure you're careful. Try going wide around the back of them if you can do, and make sure you keep your distance. If they notice you, then run fast in the opposite direction to the way they're going.

"What if a clan member is being slaughtered by one? Surely I should help him!" you might be thinking. Unless you are a group of 100+ players, I'm afraid you don't really have a chance unless it is a single Revenant. Run and hope he gets away is your best bet - otherwise there will be plenty of casualties.

Chapter 4       Revenants

If you are with a revenant in a confined space

This is the most dangerous place. You can't run quickly, and it is unnaturally close to you. If you have Anchient Spells on you, you may wish to use them as they can come in handy.

Use a binding spell such as snare, and try and get out. Teleport quick if you can, but you may already be blocked. Don't try attacking it unless you are nearly certain you can take it on. You're main objective should be get out of there!

If by some miracle it hasn't seen you, look for an obsticle such as an alcove in a wall, or a tree, or a rock/crater. Stand next to it (preferably on the side which is furthest away from the Revenant). Don't do anything. Let your run recharge and if you are preparing for a battle, use this time to pot. If it walks over to you, it will probably see you. ONLY come out of if it has attacked. If may just walk away ... stranger thing have happened.

Chapter 5       Revenants

Tips and tricks

If you are luckily enough to have Ancient Magiks, they work well against Revenants. Freezing them gives you that all important amount of time to get away. If you have the ability to use 'snare' and other binding spells, you may wish to take some.

Don't think 'I can have this Revenant...I'm good enough.' unless you either a very powerful player OR crazy. Prepare to be suprised how hard they can hit. I came across a level 100+ Revenant that managed to freeze me, and finished me off in just a few hits.

Using either mage or range is the best way to kill one, unless you have very high attack, strength and defence levels. Being within melee distance allows them to use ALL methods of combat. Being at a distance narrows them down to only TWO. Some Revenants can hit horribly high with melee. (I found that out the hard way.)

If you do see one, but it hasn't seen you, DON'T panic. It most likely won't unless you do something stupid. Turn your back, and walk away. Don't go crazy with clicking. We all know how laggy and jagged RuneScape's movement can be. You don't want to be going the wrong way.

PRAYER is the most useful skill when in contact with a Revenant. The protection prayers are infinatly handy.

While doing a non-combat Wilderness task, such as a clue scroll, try and use prayer boosting items rather than armour. Prayer will most likely save you, rather than defence. Travel light too, to maximise your run-time.

Revenants CAN walk through doors OR spiders webs. Be careful!



  • AkaJetsonAkaJetson Member Posts: 1,167

    Nice guide.


  • mike480mike480 Member Posts: 75


    Thank you, this guide was very helpful, although unfortunately will not be used much.  Although some poeople do run into revenants, I find that all people really have to do is run away and eat like hell.  As well as that, there are not thast many people going into the wilderness these days, especially if they are f2p. 

    Fantastic guide, but probably not used very often

  • LunethLuneth Member Posts: 63
    Originally posted by mike480

      there are not thast many people going into the wilderness these days, especially if they are f2p. 



  • savagegoosesavagegoose Member Posts: 41

    om f2p only now, and 1st met and died to revs miinning rune ore. i guess my big mistake wasnt recognzing yhre danger i was in and fleeing str8 away. maybe i would have lived.  i actually walked al the way to rune ores, hopped wolrds and mined 10 ores b4 i met my 1st rev.


    didnt make it past the lava maze entrance on the left  BEFORE ID BEEN FROZEN twice. and killed.


    i guess if u aint in melee, then a range outfit would be best defence, a lot of food,  not going for a win just going to get away. funny enough ive never been back up there withopught being hoinded out fo wilds b4 even getting close to rune ores.


    any tips on mining rune in rev country?

  • LunethLuneth Member Posts: 63

    no hints, sorry dude.

    anyways, i never mined runite cuz of 51 mining


  • LyretoLyreto Member Posts: 4

    This guide does a good job of emphasizing how powerful the Revenants are and that running away from them is the best option.

    A few points I'd like to make to anyone wanting to defend themselves against Revenants:

    -Revenants respond to protection prayers. What that means is if you use Protect from Magic for example, they'll stop using Magic attacks and use range or melee instead.

    -When at a distance they'll always use range or magic attacks. They'll only move to keep you in range, and they'll only use melee attacks if you're standing next to them (Which will only ever be when you're fighting them).

    The best option to defend against them then is to simply wear armor with good magic (Dragonhide armor) or range defense bonuses and use the Protect from range or magic prayers respectively.

    Also, I've never tried this myself, but the spirit wolf summon requiring lvl 1 summoning has a special attack that makes an npc foe flee. This also works on Revenants but I don't know how effective it is.

  • savagegoosesavagegoose Member Posts: 41

    had a fight with a lvl 105 rev ork, i used addy arrows, green dhide, and protect form mage.

    ended up bailing when i had 10 lobs left.


    didnt seem i was going to win. im 87 range 86 mage and 118 combat. i prob could have win but hs few 26 hits got me running.,


     i really have to keep cycling the protect prayer i goess, i cant sit on mage protect.

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