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FeldronFeldron Member UncommonPosts: 337

Wonderland is free to play I suggest you try it and see what you think.


Characters, with numerous character each with there unquice ablities and stat progresstion you can find numberous builds that can do every well but do it with their own specialitys

Storyline, the game has storylines involeing numberous npcs that you can take along with you in place of your pet, This is i feel major as its a field that many mmorpgs are lacking now a days. The Quests while some are the same get this killl that, even these tend to have more story behind them then your avg mmo.

Houses, the player house is hihgly collectable expandable and can be designed and decorated with a number of items. Numberous items in your house can be very useful to a player, with storage to heals and more. The house takes the form of a tent and is take with you so in just about any spot in the game you can go into your house making it extremely useful.

The game has a far amount of collectablity to items. Your house can be built up expanded and you can construct alot of interesting things both for you character and house. Your character also has serveral options for gear but at the start it maybe hard to get the best. You even can get powerful like +30 attack verus the normal +12 items but these better items can break but the difference is useful when going on a hard quest.

Overall i would say if you enjoy building up your character, house, items in the games you play and being able to see the difference from doing so, You should try the game and see if you like it.

please feel free to post comments, questions, and your own opinions.



  • FeldronFeldron Member UncommonPosts: 337

    p.s. you can get a dragon as a pet even, its also tradable

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